Notre but est de vous permettre une progression holistique, globale et durable. En vous proposant des programmes adaptés à vos besoins et à votre rythme, nous innovons dans la transmission et l'apprentissage de l'humain. Retrouvez le cœur de votre
Vincennes, 21, rue de l'Eglise, Porte Blanche à droite de l'escalier au fond du couloir
Vincennes, 21, rue de l'Eglise, Porte Blanche à droite de l'escalier au fond du couloir Show on mapSéance de Coaching FLOW
Mentorat Business
Diagnostique personnel ou professionnel

Pegaspirits 占卜/命理/希塔療癒

Привет, друзья! Думаю, пришло время представиться, если мы еще этого не сделали.Меня зовут Александр. Я из Санкт-Петербурга. Я говорю на русском и английском. Учу сербский, но не так быстро.Я занимаюсь массажем с 2015 года. Получал базу у завкафедрой
30 min of healthy massage — 3000RSD|25EUR
1 hour of healthy massage — 5000RSD|45EUR
1,5 hours of healthy massage — 7000RSD|60EUR
Pedicure zonder lak
Pedicure met lak
Nieuw set acryl naturel

Jen The Dog Lady
Husband and wife drop in pet sitters/walkers and in-home boarding. We love cats and dogs and will treat your fur babies like our own.Jennifer is a Certified Pet Dietitian and Steve is retired so super handy to jump in and help out on drop ins,
Drop In - Two Person Job
Drop In - One Person Job
Drop In - Two Person Job

CHOOSE | CREATE | UNITE Experiences to Live your Best Life true to yourself with Love, Courage, Joy, Financial Freedom and Fulfillment.
Emotional Alignment Session (Members only)
Self Mastery Session (Members only)
Achievement Session (Members only)

I have been a Personal Trainer for 4 years.I left the Corporate world behind to focus on my own health and fitness.I now help busy women who are juggling many plates, find time for themselves.I operate out of my private studio in Chester.
Smoove Circle Wellness
Smoove Circle is a small remote wellness business ( Smoove Circle ) to promote corporate wellness online.My personal specialisms are within Corporate Wellness Policy Consultancy, People Strategy, Stress relief training for executives and corporates.&