CI CANADA CI Canadá, empresa legalmente constituida en Montreal Canadá. Autorizada por CRICC a través de consultores reglamentados en inmigración Canadiense y Quebec. La pre-evaluación se realiza de manera telefónica facilitando que usted reciba
Movendo Consulting
Zeit für Begegnungen – beweg dich mit Movendo! Unser „One Day with Movendo“ nimmt dich einen Tag lang mit auf die Reise durch unsere komplexe Welt. Du hast Lust, dich auszutauschen, neue Wege einzuschlagen und dabei mit deinen Herausforderungen selbs
融尚国际教育集团(通称为“融尚私塾”)成立于2013年,总部位于北京,目前已在上海、波士顿等地开设了分校区。专注提供全面多维度国际教育核心能力与素质培养。秉着“教育,是一种生活方式”的理念,以“铸造中华魂,培养国际人”为目标,整合全球优质的国际教育资源和平台,始终致力于推动中国国际教育事业发展,把真正的素质教育服务于学生作为自身使命,为中国家庭规划并实现价值的升级与传承。 Founded in 2013, Shang International Education Group (known a
509 MSG Chaplain
I am Chaplain Christopher Teague, the 509 MSG True North Chaplain. I have been at Whiteman two years, first serving the Medical Group and then Security Forces, now I am group chaplain for the MSG.I provide 100% confidential spiritual care. I am preve
Get Happy Biz
Small, Women-Owned Businesses are hard as hell to run, I would know, I’ve owned two LLC’s and have over a decade of experience in business. When it gets hard and you’re feeling stuck, that’s where I come in. From Business Consulting, Strategic Planni
Ngati Consult
25 years in education has grown my passion for the business of wellness. Turangawaewae and Whakapapa is important to us. We have knowledge and experience to share after all, we are spiritual beings having a physical experience. As parents and busines