JMK Rostock e.V.
JMK Rostock e.V. - deine Orchesterschule in der Hansestadt Rostock. Vom Kleinkind (ab 18 Monate) bis zum Senioren kann bei uns Jeder gemeinsam Musik machen.
Blockflöte Probeunterricht
Klarinette Probeunterricht
Querflöte Probeunterricht

Brixton Recording Studios
Equipment rental Meeting rooms Events (regular and recurring) Coaching
Professional Music Rercording studio www.brixtonrecordingstudios.comYou can Pay using Paypal or Debit/Credit Card for Payment: Terms and conditions apply
Rehearsal space 2 Hours
Rehearsal space 3 Hours
Podcast At Your Venue / London Only

Rapha Heart Global Ministries
Events (regular and recurring)
Dedicated to breaking the Bondage of the Strongman Deliverance of the mind, body, and soul through the Courts of Heaven. Helping you to take your mountain and live an abundant life and bringing healing, health, and wholeness to your body, soul, spiri
Janet Cooksey Speaking Engagement
Forgiveness Breakthrough Session
Strongman Deliverance from Witchcraft and the Occult
Grupo Promove
Events (regular and recurring)
Grupo Promove A maior empresa de eventos de formatura do Brasil e vai realizar as suas Fotos Oficiais de Formatura em parceria oficial com a sua Instituição de Ensino!
Rio de Janeiro, A
Rio de Janeiro, ARio de Janeiro, A
Show on mapAv. Beira Mar, 2500, Fortaleza
Show on mapVia Costeira Sen. Dinarte Medeiros Mariz, 4077, 59090-002, Natal
Show on map
Boykeys is the most dedicated and creative real estate presentation agency in Europe. Full professional unburdening, quality, speed, innovation, creativity, customer-friendliness and a pleasant atmosphere are central to us. We work with a young and v
Utrecht, Jan van Zutphenlaan 45
Utrecht, Jan van Zutphenlaan 45Utrecht, Jan van Zutphenlaan 45
Show on map01 - SMALL package - Photos, Video - VP - 300-400 m2
05 - Photos, Floorplan draft - Pf
06 - Photos, Video, Floorplan draft - VPf
Lagos, BICS Garden & Boat Club, B20 Wole Olateju Crescent, Lekki Phase 1
Lagos, BICS Garden & Boat Club, B20 Wole Olateju Crescent, Lekki Phase 1 Show on map
黑盒子工作室結合了劇場與心理學的概念 除了解謎之外,我們更著重於玩家在遊戲當中的體驗 當密室逃脫的玩家進入到遊戲空間 就如同進入劇場所塑造出的幻象裡面 當我們將密室逃脫的重點從解謎融入到情境時 這整個空間就形成了一場演出 而玩家可以同時是演員,或觀眾 在身歷其境的同時慢慢發現整齣劇所要傳達的故事與意涵 正是我們創立的宗旨,主打 『沈浸式劇場』結合密室的呈現方式來說一個故事 邀請大家,一起來演一齣密室劇 我們希望玩家在進行遊戲的過程中 不只是密室逃脫的解謎 還可以沉浸在我們劇情中,在內心中激盪

Events (regular and recurring)
德國Vorwerk福維克集團一向以提供高品質產品和服務聞名, 其下品牌Thermomix 美善品多功能料理機已風行歐洲30多年,經銷遍及全球70個國家。美善品多功能料理機使用時的絕佳烹飪體驗,從來沒有任何一個廚房用具, 能夠集蒸、煮、炒、磨、切、打、揉、秤等15項功能於一機, 但是美善品多功能料理機做到了!現在由您來體驗!

Console Group
Events (regular and recurring)
Console Usability Testing Scheduler Thank you for offering to share your time in Console's usability testing sessions.