GP (General Practitioner)


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MCI Diagnostic Center

GP (General Practitioner)

As a National Clinical High-Complexity CLIA laboratory, MCI Diagnostic Center is committed to supporting our nation by providing accurate Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing and vaccination solutions during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

COVID-19 Vaccination Dose 1


The Richmond Doctor

GP (General Practitioner)

For a professional and personable GP service dedicated to local and international families and firms. Expect to be seen, heard, and cared for, without delay. The doctor is ready for you...

Location icon

London, 3 Cedar Terrace, Richmond

London, 3 Cedar Terrace, Richmond Show on map

Private GP appointment


Extended GP visit


GP appointment with MOT bloods


E-Doc Health Care Services

GP (General Practitioner)

Edoc Medical and Nursing care services provides a wide range of quality health care services in the comfort of your home.

Family Doctor Services- Existing patients


General Doctor - Virtual Clinic


General Nursing Services


Espaço Clínico de Sara Rodrigues

Psychologist GP (General Practitioner)

O Espaço Clínico foi criado a pensar no bem-estar físico e mental de quem nos procura. Integra um grupo de terapeutas que se une pela necessidade de ter profissionais de confiança em diferentes especialidades de forma a poder encaminhar os clientes

Consulta de Nutrição

40,00 €

Salus Riabilitazione Monza

Sports Doctor GP (General Practitioner) Educational events

Studio di Fisioterapia, Nutrizione Mindfulness e Yoga..Mi chiamo Stefano Castoldi, sono un Fisioterapista, e da 15 anni vi dò il benvenuto nel mio Studio.Qui troverai uno spazio sicuro, fatto di ascolto, rispetto e gentilezza.Ti darò tutto il tempo c

Primo Incontro Fisioterapia

65,00 €

Prima Visita Nutrizionale

120,00 €

Visita Nutrizionale Controllo

65,00 €

Doctor Bradys Medical Practice

GP (General Practitioner)

We're Here for You! You can find us on the First Floor, 12 Camden Street Upper, D02 A270. Dr. Brady is available for both in-person and video consultations. To book your appointment, just click the links below! If you prefer to call, Georgina’s avail

Location icon

Dublin 2, 12 Camden Street Upper

Dublin 2, 12 Camden Street Upper Show on map

Repeat Prescription €30

25,00 €

Video GP Consultation

60,00 €

Practice Appointment (25 minutes)

100,00 €

Barnetby Private Medicals

GP (General Practitioner) Motosports

We perform drivers medicals for HGV, Taxi, Racing , Fork lift, Heavy Plant and Skydivers. We also do pre employment and visa medicals - which you need to ring for to give us your exact requirement.These are not only the appointments available and ple

Taxi Medical


Cabinet Médical Equinoxe

Rental GP (General Practitioner)

Cabinet Médical / Dispensaire Médicale / Poste de Garde Médicale.Vous habitez Charleroi et ses environs, vous cherchez une prise en charge globale de votre santé ? Le Cabinet Médical / Dispensaire Médicale / Poste de Garde Médical

Consultation Médical

2,00 €

Prise de sang

2,00 €


2,00 €

Dra. Jessica

GP (General Practitioner)

Como médica general con especialidad en enfermedades crónicas y educación en diabetes avalada por la Asociación Mexicana de Diabetes, entiendo la importancia de brindar una atención humana, personalizada y empática a mis pacientes. No eres solo un ex

Location icon

Peñasco, Av Himno Nacional 815, Las Aguilas 3ra Secc

Peñasco, Av Himno Nacional 815, Las Aguilas 3ra Secc Show on map

Diabetes especialista




Enfermedades crònicas


Janet Rankine Henry

GP (General Practitioner) Gynecologist Dermatologist

Complete Healthcare Solutions seeks to provide Jamaicans with a wholesome, healthy lifestyle through customised meal packages, diet counselling and suggested exercise regimes to improve the quality of life of their clients. You can call in for your o

Location icon

Kingston, 29 East Kings House Rd, Shop 4

Kingston, 29 East Kings House Rd, Shop 4 Show on map

General Practitioner
