Savvy B
A Savvy B é uma empresa especializada em serviços financeiros.Nós oferecemos soluções personalizadas de investimento, que se adequam às necessidades específicas de cada cliente. Trabalhamos com transparência e ética para proporcionar um atendimento d

Garden Of Lotus
Spiritual Guidance, Tarot and Oracle readings, Crystal Healing, Meditations
Consultation Face to Face
Heal With Me

光之療癒師|Akasha Angels Channel
光之療癒師 | Akasha Angels Channel提供以下服務:👼 英國天使靈氣療癒服務天使在靈魂層為人類服務,修復各層靈體包括乙太體、情緒體、星光體、靈性體等,療癒效益回應到身體、心理、精神和靈性的各層面,具體感受到豐盛的愛、力量和喜悅。🦄 獨角獸靈氣脈輪淨化服務獨角獸靈氣清純且喜悅,協助淨化脈輪、聖物、空間、場域等,此外召喚獨角獸顯化願望光球,啟動內在的創意,淨化和提升震動頻率。🧙♂️ 宇宙阿卡西紀錄諮詢服
阿卡西紀錄諮詢 | Zoom Meeting

Jen Wyatt MBA
I help women who are struggling with "all the things" in their business create clarity, alignment, and processes they can easily follow or delegate so they can manage their business in less time.
FREE 45 Minute Clarity Session
Intial Intake Session
1-hour Coaching Session

Brian 塔羅占卜解讀
Brian Wong 是資深塔羅占卜師,香港專業塔羅協會創辦人,塔羅書籍作者,你的陪伴者. 感激自2005年起,你們一直以來的陪伴。 不論天氣好壞甚至面對極具挑戰性的環境,您也願意長時間排隊等待,投給我信任的一票。 小弟將會轉至網絡平台繼續為您服務,在您人生十字路口上解惑、給予支援。 祝你平安! Brian Wong
Beulah View Dog Field, Leeds
Beulah View Dog Field offers 3.5 acres of rolling pasture (that's twice the size of Elland Road!), secure to 6ft with an air-lock infield parking area for two cars.Perched on a hill overlooking Leeds in one direction and with countryside views in the
Weekday: 45 Minutes @ Beulah View
Weekend: 45 Minutes @ Beulah View

Le Grimoire du Corbeau
Le Grimoire du Corbeau est un cabinet boutique basé à Roubaix, en France, offrant une gamme de services spécialisés dans les purifications de lieux et de personnes.Notre équipe expérimentée traite les blocages énergétiques, les nœuds et les présences
roubaix, 80 rue jean baptiste lebas, étage 1
roubaix, 80 rue jean baptiste lebas, étage 1 Show on mapSoin complet purification, nettoyage et rééquilibrage énergétique + protection à distance (désenvoutement)

MyCoaching Concursos
A MyCoaching Concursos é uma empresa voltada ao treinamento personalizado e especializado em Concursos Públicos, em todas as fases preparatórias. Possibilita que você seja acompanhado por um Coach (orientador) pessoal que dará contornos estratégicos