Opening hours
09:00 - 17:00
07:00 - 20:00
06:00 - 21:00
06:00 - 21:00
07:00 - 21:00
06:00 - 21:00
07:00 - 18:00
About the company
B.S Exercise & Health Science. NASM CPT BOSTON*Disclaimer*If you feel unwell or have any symptoms that may link to COVID-19, please leave the vicinity and contact your health care provider. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. People with these symptoms may have COVID-19:Fever or chillsCoughShortness of breath or difficulty breathingFatigueMuscle or body achesHeadacheNew loss of taste or smellSore throatCongestion or runny noseNausea or vomitingDiarrheaLook for emergency warning signs for COVID-19. If someone is showing any of these signs, seek emergency medical care immediately:Trouble breathingPersistent pain or pressure in the chestNew confusionInability to wake or stay awakeBluish lips or faceCall your medical provider for any other symptoms that are severe or concerning to you.Discounts & coupons
Promotions & coupons
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COVID 19 mothers day sale
Our team
Henry Morales
Top services
Private Session
60 دقيقة
Private one on one training. Must have approval from Michelle before booking.
Henry's aerobic power intervals
60 دقيقة
Henry's Sunday Conditioning Class
60 دقيقة
Functional Training with Henry
60 دقيقة
Functional Training
30 day online training program
60 دقيقة
We have 5 different programs available. 1. Advanced total body challenge 2. Total body weight loss 3. Glute/core pump 4. Total body (no jumping) 5. Total body intermediate weight loss (minimal jumping)
Wednesday 2022 6:30pm Glute Pump
60 دقيقة
Glute Pump Class starts at 7pm B.S Exercise & Health Science. NASM CPT BOSTON updated 9.28.20
Travel private session
60 دقيقة
Travel restrictions** must confirm with Michelle upon booking
2022 7pm total body
60 دقيقة
Total body group fitness class
Buddy session
60 دقيقة
Up to 3 person group class
2022 7pm glute pump
60 دقيقة
Glute pump group class
Private training with Henry
60 دقيقة
Pop up group class
60 دقيقة
8 reviews