Opening hours

  • الأحد

    11:00 - 18:00

  • الإثنين

    11:10 - 18:00

  • الثلاثاء

    11:00 - 18:00

  • الأربعاء

    11:00 - 18:00

  • الخميس

    11:00 - 18:00

  • الجمعة

    11:00 - 18:00

  • السبت

    11:00 - 18:00

About the company

We are a small home based business catering to women who want to look and feel their best!

Located in Westview, North Vancouver; we offer a variety of advanced beauty and spa treatments. Lily Medical Spa is under the direct management of Ana Nafar, who has over two decades of experience in aesthetics and skin care. Ana has a bright personality as well as a passion for helping others with their skin and health needs. Additionally Ana is a certified and she has also practiced as an Assistant Dermatologist in a medical capacity.


We are licensed and insured, and we only use the highest quality skin care products available on the market. Due to being a smaller home based spa we are able to offer all these services at a much lower rate than bigger spas allowing you better access to feel good treatments.


Please call for an appointment today, we would love to see you!

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Top services

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60 دقيقة

Fine diamond particles are used to buff and polish the skin to remove the dead skin cells and promote cell renewal and regeneration. It reduces the appearance of brown spots which are often the result of sun damage. It gives tired and fatigued skin a

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Radio Frequency

30 دقيقة

Radio frequency waves are used to tighten the skin, stimulate collagen production on a cellular level and creates an overall youthful appearance and increased skin elasticity. There is no down time with this treatment including bruising or redness un

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Chemical Peel

60 دقيقة

Fruit enzymes are used in combination with cleaners to promote collagen generation and skin cell renewal. Dead skin cells are removed and the skin is given a deep cleanse to allow new fresh glowing skin to take its place. This allows for better moist

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60 دقيقة

In this treatment, 56 small needles are used to repeatedly create micro punctures in the skin and as the skin heals, this boosts collagen production leading to a more fuller and radiant appearance. ​ The procedure helps in skin renewal and is one o

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Organic Microdermabrasion

60 دقيقة

Microdermabrasion is highly recommended for acne prone skin as it helps reduce the recurrence of acne due to clogged pores. ​ Organic microdermabrasion done with organic products $180.00

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Organic chemical peel

60 دقيقة

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Regular Lifting and Rejuventaion Facial

45 دقيقة

Facial for cleansing and rejuvenation of skin cells using high end facial products. This facial stimulates the renewal of skin cells and leaves the skin with a healthy glow.

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Organic Facial

45 دقيقة

Using only organic products, your skin is cleansed and treated to eliminate dirt and impurities while allowing for the renewal of healthy skin. Healthy skin has a better ability to retain moisture hence slowing down the aging of skin. ​ The treatme

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Express Facial

30 دقيقة

This is for the busy woman on the go who deserves to treat herself! ​ Drop in for a quick facial that includes a deep facial cleanse, serum therapy and moisturizing treatment all done in the time while waiting to pick the kids up from school or per

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Radio Frequency for Body Contoring

30 دقيقة

Radio frequency waves are used to target problem areas to tighten and tone tummy, thighs and arms. There is a noticeable size difference and tighter skin is visible dependent on the size and location. $120.00 for 30 min. for any body part

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Fat Cell Reduction with Ultrasound

30 دقيقة

Using high frequency sound waves, fat cells are blasted leaving a more defined contour. Each session lasts up to 30 minutes.

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Reiki Energy Healing

30 دقيقة

Reiki is the practice of balancing the energy or life source within you to help the body and mind to function at an optimal level. Many aches and pains can be eliminated with the use of reiki. Since it has no side effects it can be done on anyone reg

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Pain Therapy with Ultrasound

30 دقيقة

Manage chronic pain in soft tissue with advanced ultrasound therapy. This is ideal for athletic injuries or just a pulled muscle in your back. The session is up to a maximum of 30 minutes and can help ease muscle tensions, spams and other soft tissue

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Chemical Peel for Hands

45 دقيقة

Our hands are exposed to the elements everyday- cleaning products, harsh sun's rays and Gentle products are use to exfoliate the skin to remove dead skin cell build up to reveal beautiful hands. Hands are then treated with a deep moisturizing treatm

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Hand Paraffin Treatment

30 دقيقة

This treatment returns softness to your hands and treats dry skin. Hands are soaked in special combination warm paraffin and then allowed to cool allowing the skin to heal while delivering important nutrients to the surface.

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25 دقيقة

Biomagnetism is a safe and non-invasive procedure that is recognized to be beneficial by various countries around the world. ​ The technique was developed in the 1980's by a Mexican physician named Dr. Isaac Goiz Duran. The primary objective is to

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Aromatherapy Massage

60 دقيقة

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Scanning with Biomagnetism

180 دقيقة


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