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Dive Pangea Roatan

Opening hours

  • الأحد

    08:00 - 17:00

  • الإثنين

    08:00 - 17:00

  • الثلاثاء

    08:00 - 17:00

  • الأربعاء

    08:00 - 17:00

  • الخميس

    08:00 - 17:00

  • الجمعة

    08:00 - 17:00

  • السبت

    08:00 - 17:00

About the company

Thank you for booking with us, prepare to be spoiled and discover the amazing underwater topography unique to the East End of Roatan. Dive Pangea Roatan is a boutique, valet-style dive shop located on one of the last undeveloped beaches on the island of Roatan that will provide you with unique and special memories of our pristine reef that you will never forget.

Dive Pangea has earned a reputation for providing personalized service, and we have grown by leaps and bounds the last 4 years. We have the honor of being the only dive shop in Camp Bay which means we will have the distinctive luxury of being the only divers on the reef here......but on the flip side, that also means space is very limited. We anticipate the coming season to be extremely busy. 

To continue to provide our divers with the highest level of service and personal attention, we are now requesting a deposit to secure your reservation.  Because space is coveted and we anticipate demand will be higher than ever this coming season (keep in mind we are the only dive shop in Camp Bay), it is HIGHLY recommended that reservations are made in order to secure your space. A non-refundable deposit* of 50% of your package is required. If you don't see your package listed, please contact us as we are constantly adding more booking options.


Camp Bay has been a well kept secret for all these years, but the secret is slipping out and we are being discovered.  We do everything in our power to make accommodations to last minute guests, but please be advised that SPACE IS LIMITED, and guests with paid reservations are given priority.

We are looking forward to blowing bubbles with you and showing you the unspoiled beauty of Camp Bay, Roatan.


Chrissie Bowen, Owner

*Deposits are FULLY REFUNDABLE IF DIVING IS CANCELLED BY THE STAFF DUE TO WEATHER or other extenuating circumstances. Your safety is our upmost priority, and weather here in Camp Bay is occasionally unpredictable, making surface conditions sometimes extremely rough.  We do our VERY BEST to accommodate diving every day, however, we will ABSOLUTELY NOT risk anyone's safety, including our crew, and we are even more conservative with children and students. If diving is cancelled, it is only because it is in the best interest of you and our staff's safety.

Please understand that unlike the rest of the world where weather forecasts are fairly reliable, tropical weather is VERY difficult to predict, and the weather forecasts (particularly for Camp Bay) are often inaccurate. We do our VERY best to look at and compare several weather models, but many times we rely on the old fashioned method: wake up, look out the window, and see what Mother Nature as in store for us that particular day.  Occasionally we may be forced to relocate to Port Royal on the southside of Roatan, and if this option is taken by the diver(s), there will be a fuel surcharge involved.  If we need to postpone diving or relocate due to weather, please trust our judgment, it is ONLY because we have your best interests at heart.

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Dive Pangea Roatan

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