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    09:00 - 19:00

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About the company

I'm a health coach, and I show women how to look and feel fabulous, so they can feel young, sexy and alive without surgeries, crazy diets or tons of supplements. Do you know anyone who is ready to look and feel fabulous???

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Health Coach

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Health Coach

60 دقيقة

I'm a health coach, and I show women how to look and feel fabulous, so they can feel young, sexy and alive without surgeries, crazy diets or tons of supplements. Do you know anyone who is ready to look and feel fabulous??? Why a Health Coach? Yo


3 reviews

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    Nancy Goettl

    8/28/2017, 12:14:54 PM


    My health coaching is helping me immensely. I can really feel and see the progress.

  • Review user image

    Rachel Krosch Depuydt

    5/3/2017, 12:31:32 PM

    I would not trade Terri Prange for the world

    Terri does such a good job of helping me see both the positive and negative, while making it seem like all is positive. I have such a much more positive view of life, including eating, exercise because you know the body is made to move, and life in general

  • Review user image

    Rachel Krosch Depuydt

    1/24/2017, 8:27:29 PM

    Terri Prange is my coach

    Terri is doing a great job motivating me as I tend to get in the way of myself

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