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Opening hours

  • الأحد

    07:00 - 19:00

  • الإثنين

    يوم عطلة

  • الثلاثاء

    يوم عطلة

  • الأربعاء

    يوم عطلة

  • الخميس

    يوم عطلة

  • الجمعة

    يوم عطلة

  • السبت

    07:00 - 19:00

About the company

We have been part of the Alum Creek community for over 30 years. We come by our passion for the outdoors naturally and will continue to share that passion with generations to come.

When we are not at gymnastics, dance, or soccer practice, we enjoy a wide variety of activities including Running the Dam, Kayaking, Canoeing, Paddle-boarding, Hiking, Hunting, Fishing, Camping, Swimming; really anything outdoors!!

Hughes Outdoors was created to provide others who may not have the knowledge or equipment with a no judgement, hassle-free way to enjoy nature.

Whether you are an outdoor enthusiast, or are looking for something new; we can't wait to share our passion with you!

Our team

Hughes Outdoors Lake

Hughes Outdoors River Trips

Hughes Outdoors Events

Top services

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2 Hour - Reserve 1 Adult Sit-in Kayak

120 دقيقة

A 2 hour self guided leisure trip around the central section of Alum Creek Lake. You'll depart on your journey from the kayak launch at Howard Boat Ramp, and when you're through, return to the same location. All gear including Sit-in Kayak, Paddle,

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2 Hour - Reserve 2 Adult Sit-in Kayaks

120 دقيقة

A 2 hour self guided leisure trip around the central section of Alum Creek Lake. You'll depart on your journey from the kayak launch at Howard Boat Ramp, and when you're through, return to the same location. All gear including Sit-in Kayak, Paddle,

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2 Hour - Reserve 3 Adult Sit-in Kayaks

120 دقيقة

A 2 hour self guided leisure trip around the central section of Alum Creek Lake. You'll depart on your journey from the kayak launch at Howard Boat Ramp, and when you're through, return to the same location. All gear including Sit-in Kayak, Paddle,

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2 Hour - Reserve 4 Adult Sit-in Kayaks

120 دقيقة

A 2 hour self guided leisure trip around the central section of Alum Creek Lake. You'll depart on your journey from the kayak launch at Howard Boat Ramp, and when you're through, return to the same location. All gear including Sit-in Kayak, Paddle,

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2 Hour - Reserve 5 Adult Sit-in Kayaks

120 دقيقة

A 2 hour self guided leisure trip around the central section of Alum Creek Lake. You'll depart on your journey from the kayak launch at Howard Boat Ramp, and when you're through, return to the same location. All gear including Sit-in Kayak, Paddle,

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2 Hour - Reserve 6 Adult Sit-in Kayaks

120 دقيقة

A 2 hour self guided leisure trip around the central section of Alum Creek Lake. You'll depart on your journey from the kayak launch at Howard Boat Ramp, and when you're through, return to the same location. All gear including Sit-in Kayak, Paddle,

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2 Hour - Reserve 1 Adult Sit-on Kayak

120 دقيقة

A 2 hour self guided leisure trip around the central section of Alum Creek Lake. You'll depart on your journey from the kayak launch at Howard Boat Ramp, and when you're through, return to the same location. All gear including Sit-on Kayak, Paddle,

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2 Hour - Reserve 2 Adult Sit-on Kayaks

120 دقيقة

A 2 hour self guided leisure trip around the central section of Alum Creek Lake. You'll depart on your journey from the kayak launch at Howard Boat Ramp, and when you're through, return to the same location. All gear including Sit-on Kayak, Paddle,

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2 Hour - Reserve 3 Adult Sit-on Kayaks

120 دقيقة

A 2 hour self guided leisure trip around the central section of Alum Creek Lake. You'll depart on your journey from the kayak launch at Howard Boat Ramp, and when you're through, return to the same location. All gear including Sit-on Kayak, Paddle,

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2 Hour - Reserve 4 Adult Sit-on Kayaks

120 دقيقة

A 2 hour self guided leisure trip around the central section of Alum Creek Lake. You'll depart on your journey from the kayak launch at Howard Boat Ramp, and when you're through, return to the same location. All gear including Sit-on Kayak, Paddle,

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2 Hour - Reserve 1 Child Kayak

120 دقيقة

A 2 hour self guided leisure trip around the central section of Alum Creek Lake. You'll depart on your journey from the kayak launch at Howard Boat Ramp, and when you're through, return to the same location. All gear including Kayak, Paddle, and PFD

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2 Hour - Reserve 2 Child Kayaks

120 دقيقة

A 2 hour self guided leisure trip around the central section of Alum Creek Lake. You'll depart on your journey from the kayak launch at Howard Boat Ramp, and when you're through, return to the same location. All gear including Kayak, Paddle, and PFD

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2 Hour - Reserve 1 Paddle Board

120 دقيقة

A 2 hour self guided leisure trip around the central section of Alum Creek Lake. You'll depart on your journey from the kayak launch at Howard Boat Ramp, and when you're through, return to the same location. All gear including Board, Paddle, and PFD

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2 Hour - Reserve 2 Paddle Boards

120 دقيقة

A 2 hour self guided leisure trip around the central section of Alum Creek Lake. You'll depart on your journey from the kayak launch at Howard Boat Ramp, and when you're through, return to the same location. All gear including Board, Paddle, and PFD

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Reserve Shuttle Service for 1

60 دقيقة

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3 Hour - Reserve 7 Adult Kayaks

180 دقيقة

Take a 3 hour self guided leisure trip through the scenic northern tip of Alum Creek Lake. You will park at the Howard Boat Ramp and be shuttled to the Kilbourne Kayak Launch where you will depart for your 3 hour journey past the Osprey platforms, H

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3 Hour - Reserve 8 Adult Kayaks

180 دقيقة

Take a 3 hour self guided leisure trip through the scenic northern tip of Alum Creek Lake. You will park at the Howard Boat Ramp and be shuttled to the Kilbourne Kayak Launch where you will depart for your 3 hour journey past the Osprey platforms, H

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3 Hour - Reserve 1 Adult Kayak

180 دقيقة

Take a 3 hour self guided leisure trip through the scenic northern tip of Alum Creek Lake. You will park at the Howard Boat Ramp and be shuttled to the Kilbourne Kayak Launch where you will depart for your 3 hour journey past the Osprey platforms, H

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3 Hour - Reserve 2 Adult Kayaks

180 دقيقة

Take a 3 hour self guided leisure trip through the scenic northern tip of Alum Creek Lake. You will park at the Howard Boat Ramp and be shuttled to the Kilbourne Kayak Launch where you will depart for your 3 hour journey past the Osprey platforms, H

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3 Hour - Reserve 3 Adult Kayaks

180 دقيقة

Take a 3 hour self guided leisure trip through the scenic northern tip of Alum Creek Lake. You will park at the Howard Boat Ramp and be shuttled to the Kilbourne Kayak Launch where you will depart for your 3 hour journey past the Osprey platforms, H

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3 Hour - Reserve 4 Adult Kayaks

180 دقيقة

Take a 3 hour self guided leisure trip through the scenic northern tip of Alum Creek Lake. You will park at the Howard Boat Ramp and be shuttled to the Kilbourne Kayak Launch where you will depart for your 3 hour journey past the Osprey platforms, H

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3 Hour - Reserve 5 Adult Kayaks

180 دقيقة

Take a 3 hour self guided leisure trip through the scenic northern tip of Alum Creek Lake. You will park at the Howard Boat Ramp and be shuttled to the Kilbourne Kayak Launch where you will depart for your 3 hour journey past the Osprey platforms, H

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3 Hour - Reserve 6 Adult Kayaks

180 دقيقة

Take a 3 hour self guided leisure trip through the scenic northern tip of Alum Creek Lake. You will park at the Howard Boat Ramp and be shuttled to the Kilbourne Kayak Launch where you will depart for your 3 hour journey past the Osprey platforms, H

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3 Hour - Reserve 9 Adult Kayaks

180 دقيقة

Take a 3 hour self guided leisure trip through the scenic northern tip of Alum Creek Lake. You will park at the Howard Boat Ramp and be shuttled to the Kilbourne Kayak Launch where you will depart for your 3 hour journey past the Osprey platforms, H

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3 Hour - Reserve 10 Adult Kayaks

180 دقيقة

Take a 3 hour self guided leisure trip through the scenic northern tip of Alum Creek Lake. You will park at the Howard Boat Ramp and be shuttled to the Kilbourne Kayak Launch where you will depart for your 3 hour journey past the Osprey platforms, H

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2 Hour - Reserve 3 Paddle Boards

120 دقيقة

A 2 hour self guided leisure trip around the central section of Alum Creek Lake. You'll depart on your journey from the kayak launch at Howard Boat Ramp, and when you're through, return to the same location. All gear including Board, Paddle, and PFD

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2 Hour - Reserve 4 Paddle Boards

120 دقيقة

A 2 hour self guided leisure trip around the central section of Alum Creek Lake. You'll depart on your journey from the kayak launch at Howard Boat Ramp, and when you're through, return to the same location. All gear including Board, Paddle, and PFD


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