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Tarot Consulting

Opening hours

  • الأحد

    12:00 - 21:00

  • الإثنين

    14:00 - 18:00

  • الثلاثاء

    12:00 - 21:00

  • الأربعاء

    12:00 - 21:00

  • الخميس

    14:00 - 18:00

  • الجمعة

    12:00 - 21:00

  • السبت

    12:00 - 21:00

About the company

有任何關於未來的問題嗎? 讓塔羅指引你找到內心的平靜和解答! Are you curious about your future? Let the cards provide you with guidance. Find inner peace and answers by booking your tarot reading today!

Our team

Mobowork - Yi Wei Huang

Top services

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塔羅占卜 15分鐘 (Tarot Reading 15min)

15 دقيقة

15分鐘及1個問題 (第一次諮詢免費)Tarot Reading 15min, 1 questionFree for first time user 

Service image

塔羅占卜 30分鐘 (Tarot Reading 30min)

30 دقيقة

30分鐘 3個問題Tarot Reading 30min, 3 questions

Service image

塔羅占卜 45分鐘 (Tarot Reading 45min)

45 دقيقة

45分鐘 不限問題次數Tarot Reading 45min


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