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SCU Ensemble Auditions

About the company

Audition for one of our incredible Santa Clara University ensembles. Auditions are open to all students regardless of major or minor and are a great way to build community and have a wonderful artistic release as part of your schedule.

Our team

John Kennedy

Carl Schultz

Anthony Rivera

Scot Hanna-Weir

Top services

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SCU Chamber Singers Audition

15 دقيقة

For your SCU Chamber Singers audition, please bring to the a prepared piece that you feel showcases your voice. If you have the sheet music, Dr. Hanna-Weir will be happy to accompany you. Otherwise, you may sing a cappella. Any style or genre is appr

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SCU Wind, Brass, and Percussion Audition

5 دقيقة

Auditions for placement on Wind, Brass, and Percussion instruments for players interested in Wind Ensemble and/or University Orchestra. Please bring a solo or excerpt of 2-3 minutes duration which you feel showcases you at your best. Auditions w

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SCU Orchestra String Audition

5 دقيقة

Auditions for placement in the University Orchestra for string players. Please bring a solo or excerpt of 2-3 minutes duration which you feel showcases you at your best. Auditions will be heard by Director of University Orchestra John Kennedy, and pl

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SCU Jazz Audition

15 دقيقة

Auditions for placement on all instruments for players interested in the Jazz Ensemble and Jazz Combos. Please bring an excerpt to play to demonstrate your ability on your instrument. Players of all experiences are welcome.All auditions will be held


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