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Kate Larsen SupplyESChange

Horário de abertura

  • Domingo

    Dia de folga

  • Segunda-feira

    07:00 - 18:00

  • Terça-feira

    07:00 - 18:00

  • Quarta-feira

    07:00 - 18:00

  • Quinta-feira

    07:00 - 18:00

  • Sexta-feira

    07:00 - 18:00

  • Sábado

    07:00 - 14:00

Sobre a empresa

Online Advisory from Kate Larsen, SupplyESChange in:

ESG (Environmental, Social, governance), Responsible Sourcing and Ethical Trade, Business human rights due diligence (HRDD), and related issues such as forced labour/ modern slavery in supply chains, especially UK, China (Xinjiang and other Uyghur, etc risk), Japan, Italy, Malaysia, etc, Causing supply chain labour standards improvements to delivery Social Impact SDGs (Sustainable Development Goal) results.

Featured BBC and ABC radio, VOGUE Business, Drapers and Innovation Forum Sustainable Fashion conferences, Apparel Insider, Chartered Governance Institute for Directors, PRI, Morgan Stanley, Federated Hermes and Brighttalk investor podcasts, Cambridge conferences and human rights blog, etc. See for more.

Nossa equipe

Kate Larsen

Top services

Imagem do serviço

China supply chains and forced labour of Uyghurs and human rights risk in Xinjiang and beyond

30 min

Kate Larsen a Chinese speaker, lived and worked in China many years assessing Supply Chains labour standards. Ms Larsen has spoken on BBC World News TV and radio on her experience regarding forced labour of Uyghurs in supply chains in China, and what

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Ethical Fashion, Apparel, Retail, etc Ethical Trade, Responsible Sourcing Expert Insight

30 min

Kate Larsen is SupplyESChange Director Responsible Sourcing and ESG Advisory and training on supply chains Environmental and Social risks and impact potential.  Kate has worked in Sustainability, CSR, Ethical Trade, business human rights due dil

Imagem do serviço

Global Modern Slavery in Supply Chains risk, new laws, etc for ESG or Sourcing.

30 min

Kate Larsen has for over 17 years worked on what CSR, now captured under Business human rights due diligence (HRDD) for supply chain Social (labour) and Environmental.Ms Larsen is able to provide insights into emerging laws and standards th

Ícone de serviço

Responsible Sourcing Course for Apparel, Fashion, Consumer Goods Brands team members

60 min

A 1hr webinar* a week for 5 weeks course, helping you Learn from an Experienced Trainer:1. Why companies need to improve Responsible Sourcing: new Legislation:-The UNGPs (UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, SDGs (Sustainable Deve


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