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Untouched Cleaning

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We believe in making household cleaning more convenient. Using our packages below you are now able to save time and set a schedule of recurring service appointments on the days that work best for you. When it comes to keeping your home safe and protected from both germs/harsh chemicals Untouched cleaning strives to provide a "green" cleaning service.

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Top services

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First Time Service

120 min

The first time your home is cleaned is incredibly important. Prior to beginning recurring service with us, we can provide your very first cleaning as a Premium Cleaning Package. This will bring your house to the best possible cleanliness level – a

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Standard Cleaning

120 min

A “standard cleaning” is if your place is already pretty tidy and you need a professional to come in and give it a better overall cleaning. If your place hasn’t been cleaned in a while, we would definitely recommend you select one of the below ext

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Move Out/In Cleaning Service

60 min

Are you moving in or out of your home? Do you need a THOROUGH and detailed cleaning? If so, select the "Move In/Out" option and select the number of man hours you need. We generally recommend 1 man hour for every 300 sq ft, but it will vary depend

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Deep Cleaning

180 min

If you order a deep cleaning extra, that means that you’d like the domestic worker to spend extra time on the bathrooms, kitchen, and living room, PLUS inside fridge/oven. Usually we recommend this if you haven’t cleaned your place in a while.


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