Tennis Showcase 2019
Horário de abertura
10:00 - 12:40
Dia de folga
Dia de folga
Dia de folga
Dia de folga
Dia de folga
Dia de folga
Sobre a empresa
The uniexperts Tennis Showcase is the most acclaimed College Tennis Showcase in Germany, Switzerland and Austria, quite possibly the whole of Europe. Please make sure to book your appointment with players of your interest by simply clicking on the "book me" button above.Nossa equipe

Alessa Maier #93

Alicia Taubert #123

Alyssa Caitlin Baur #89
Angelika Sidorov #79
Annabel Schoen #122
Annika Vetter #109

Antonia Carrero #126

Camilla Flintholm Jensen #72

Carmen Lehner #125

Caroline Qvist #110
Celina Ermann #73

Charlotta Buss #132

Chiara Wolff #97

Clara Ruediger #102

Elisabeth Andryukhova #99

Emilia Schmitz #83

Emmeline Polevoi #86

Gina Dittmann #87

Helena Stroehlein #74

Jabeen Urbanek #105

Jasmin Hartlauer #75

Jasmin Hauska #70

Julia Altmann #81

Katharina Bopst #90

Larysse Rosca Pelau #131

Leonie Flöth #121

Leonie Schuknecht #77

Liliana Danajlovski #80
Lilly Stienemeier #92
Lilly-Sophie Schmidt #82

Lina Brandt #88

Linda Dimitroff #106

Lisa Loechter #71

Louisa Harck #96
Marie van Bracht #111

Marleen Prinz #84

Mia Skrbinsek #101

Michelle Moller #127

Momoko Nagato #100

Nele Haag #103
Nina Kristin Westkamp #104

Noemi Sante #98

Oona Kintscher #69

Polina Shitikova #112
Rieke Gillar #78
Sarah Medik #85

Selina Karg #108

Sophie Zehender #76

Stella Wiesemann #68
Theresa Hein #124

Tizia Brocks #95

Valentina Ivanković #107

Vanesa Basara #94

Yara Kessens #91

Andrin Zuellig #60
Angelo Cardinale #16

Ben Boehr #38

Ben Cronau #58

Benjamin Buck #39
Daniel Grey #13

Daniel Harms #28

Dennis Dragomirov #54
Din Karahodza #35

Felix Habermann #29

Felix Veyhle #7

Frederic Schlossmann #6
Gabriel Breitenmoser #31

Henrik Osten #26

Hideyoshi Valentin Breyer #57

Ilias Zimmermann #10

Jacob Sjoestrand #53

Jannis Jung #61

Jasper Schaadt #21

Jonas Wand #30

Julian Froehlich #47

Julian Tecklenborg #37

Julius Paul Tabrizi #51
Lars Schneider #36

Lasse Bonn #49

Laurenz Flender #33

Lennard Richter #15

Lennart Lehmann #12

Lennart Poeppelbuss #1
Luc Hoeijmans #52

Luca Hesselmann #42

Luca Lazarov #18
Lukas Jann Schuster #3

Luke Joujan #9

Maarten Kremer #11

Marco Mildeberger #8

Mark Dragomirov #55

Marlon Wilken #43

Maurice Bauens #22

Maxwell Acri #59

Mikael Vollbach #32
Mikhail Grebenkin #56

Nick Hartmann #14
Nicolas Gruenig #17

Nicolas Lerdo #4

Nicolas Weckerle #45

Niklas Knoerr #34
Ole Valkyser #65

Paul Riegraf #5

Paul-Philipp Kern #24

Pedro Knippling #64

Philipp Lemken #44

Raphael Kerndl #2

Robin Mick Bucher #46

Teemu Jan Tripcke #41

Tim Ostheimer #62
Tom Zeuch #20

Valentin Bridts #23

William Rassat #27
Yigit Cengiz Binici #19
Top services

Coaches Session - Male Players
20 min
Schedule your appointment with players of your interest between 12:40pm - 04:40 pm. If there are no more slots available, please contact Sandy Franz ( or Lukas Kimpel (

Coaches Session - Female Players
20 min
Schedule your appointment with female players of your interest between 8:40 am - 12:20 pm. If there are no more slots available, please contact Sandy Franz ( or Lukas Kimpel (
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