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Horário de abertura
10:00 - 12:00
Dia de folga
14:00 - 22:00
Dia de folga
14:00 - 22:00
Dia de folga
20:00 - 22:00
Sobre a empresa
Art studio located in Kwun Tong which provides art classes for adults.Nossa equipe
我們的導師Our Tutors
Top services
![Imagem do serviço](http://simplybook.asia/uploads/shukkwanstudio/image_files/preview/9de4a10c59fef7a55553ec60effa06da.jpeg)
Oil Painting Course油畫班
120 min
我們為初學者及進階學者提供油畫課程。為了向大眾推廣藝術,我們將會加入藝術歴史的元素於課程中。We provide oil painting class for painters with organized curriculum. we also share art history and artworks with you.課程內容包括混色實驗、固有色與陰影色的關係、色環、用具、厚塗法、薄塗法、溶劑(乾性油-亞麻仁油/揮發性油-松節油/樹脂)等等……Learning techniques: -
Sketching class for adults 成人素描班
120 min
我們為初學者及進階學者提供素描課程。為了向大眾推廣藝術,我們將會加入藝術歴史的元素於課程中。We provide sketching class for junior and senior painters with organized curriculum. We also share art history and artworks with you. 實行有系統地學習,由材料、排線、繪畫概念及基礎技巧開始。初階:幾何立體、透視概念、石膏像素描、素描不同質感物品,例如布、玻璃等等……進階:靜
Watercolor Class 水彩班
120 min
我們為初學者及進階學者提供水彩課程。為了向大眾推廣藝術,我們將會加入藝術歴史的元素於課程中。 We provide watercolor class for painters with organized curriculum. We also share art history and artworks with you.學習渲染、重疊、平塗等技巧。Learning techniques of watercolor: - Rendering- Layering- Flat paint素描概念:
![Imagem do serviço](http://simplybook.asia/uploads/shukkwanstudio/image_files/preview/e4b0ec12ae5a281957f116b083110e89.jpg)
Trial Class 體驗班 (free) 2 小時
120 min
我們為初學者提供素描/ 水彩/ 油畫課程,體驗畫畫的樂趣。為了向大眾推廣藝術,我們將會加入藝術歴史的元素於課程中。 學生可於上課時才選擇素描/ 水彩/ 油畫,將會從基本技巧程度開始教授,逐步增強難度。We provide sketching/ watercolor/ oil painting class for painters with organized curriculum, To introduce fine arts for popular, we also share art his