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Mountain Creek Labradoodles

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Schedule a time to pick up your new puppy! It's very important to be on time as we may have an appointment before or after you. Be sure to use the directions we emailed you. Google Maps takes you out of the way and will take a few extra minutes to get here.

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Tom & Robyn German

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Puppy Pick Up

30 min

It's time to pick up your puppy!!!


2 avaliações

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    Carol Weakley

    2/10/2016, 6:01:38 PM


    We have been to vets. She goes to Magruder-Tabb Animal Clinic. He suggested to have her spayed between 4 and 6 months. I will give you the times. In regards to how things went in our adoption of Penny. It couldn't have gone more smoothly and you were patient an answered all my questions in a very timely manner. We are very happy with our puppy. She is active at being a puppy. Thank you Carol Weakley

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    April Holman

    1/30/2016, 11:19:28 PM

    Miss Molly

    Molly is the sweetest puppy! She slept through the night the 1st night home. She is so gentle, loving, and calm.Even with just 1 day in our home she is very comfortable and New people or things don't seem to phase her. She is very calm and playful at the same time. I think she is going to be the sweet companion I was looking for! Such a sweetheart! Great experience!

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