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Affidea Covid-19 Antibody Test

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Affidea’s Corporate Health Solutions

As the leading Private Health service provider in Ireland, Affidea offers a variety of complex screening and diagnostic examinations, outpatient care and corporate health solutions. Our corporate health business unit is a dynamically growing part of Affidea that is able to provide full service to our corporate partners in the field of standard occupational health, tailor-made corporate health programs and special initiatives – e.g. COVID antibody testing.


COVID antibody testing

Currently coronavirus infection can be confirmed in two ways. One method is the costly, equipment- and labor-intensive PCR test, which can detect RNA of the SARS-CoV-2 virus from nasal and pharyngeal secretions, 2-5 days after getting infected. The other, simpler and more cost-effective method can detect the  antibodies produced in the human body against the virus after getting infected: the “early “antibody, the IgM, 5-9 days after the infection, and the “late” antibody, IgG, 12-14 days after the infection.

Affidea offers its patients the latter method, the detection of IgM and IgG, aligned with the needs of our partners – both from capillary or whole blood, and from the serum obtained after the centrifugation of venous blood.

Schedule an appointment by clicking on the link below.

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Covid-19 Antibody test

20 min


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