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Logo da empresa

CAFE Montgomery MD

Horário de abertura

  • Domingo

    09:00 - 22:00

  • Segunda-feira

    09:00 - 22:00

  • Terça-feira

    09:00 - 22:00

  • Quarta-feira

    09:00 - 22:00

  • Quinta-feira

    09:00 - 22:00

  • Sexta-feira

    09:00 - 22:00

  • Sábado

    09:00 - 22:00

Sobre a empresa

CAFE Montgomery's Financial Empowerment Center offers direct access to high quality financial services and guidance in a welcoming, professional environment at no cost. Individuals and families who have struggled to find solutions with traditional banks and other institutions can work with us as a trusted resource to help gain greater control over their personal finances.CAFE Montgomery seeks to strengthen the financial capability of Montgomery County residents, while serving as Montgomery’s catalyst to build greater opportunities for financial education, with representatives from government agencies, non-profits, educational institutions, businesses, and volunteers.

Nossa equipe

Ron Jennings

Joel Goldberg

Neil Tender

Kevin Goldberg

Top services

Imagem do serviço

Online Financial Coaching (Follow-up)

30 min

Follow-up with a CAFE Coach to continue your work towards your financial goals (30 min).

Ícone de serviço

Online Benefits Screening (Discovery Call)

30 min

Would you like to find out what public benefits programs you and your household are eligible for? We have the ability to determine your eligibility for over 20 local, state, and federal programs, and we can even assist you in the application process

Ícone de serviço

Online Financial Coaching (Initial)

30 min

One-on-one appointment with a CAFE Coach to help you reach your financial goals (30 min).

Ícone de serviço

Financial Planning (Discovery Call)

30 min

The Financial Planning Program is designed to connect Maryland residents to a professional, quality financial plan on a range of topics and goals, including, investing, homeownership, college funding, and wills and retirement planning. Through a part

Ícone de serviço

Student Loan Counseling (Discovery Call)

30 min

Would you like to one-on-one guidance on existing or prospective student loans? Through a partnership we can offer you one-on-one student loan counseling with an expert in the field.In this quick meeting, we'll see if the program is a good fit for yo


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