Sobre a empresa

Airways Airsports is run by pilots who are committed to sharing their love of flying with anyone wanting to learn to paraglide, hang glide, paramotor or microlight. Our instructors range from a three-times World Champion, World Record holders, British Cross Country Champion, British Distance Record Holder, Royal Aeroclub Gold Medal winner and former members of the British Hang Gliding and Paragliding Teams.We fly from our own airfield at Darley Moor on the edge of Ashbourne in Derbyshire. Our clubhouse has comfortable seating and a café selling home-made food and drinks. Our viewing platform gives you a commanding view of the airfield where you can watch what’s going on with a cuppa in hand.

Descontos e cupons

Promoções e cupons

Nossa equipe

Mark Hilton (DM)

John Thurstan (DM)

Ground School Instructor

Shelley Smith (DM)

Mark Hilton (DHF)

Mark Hilton (Ground School)

Mark Hilton (Ground School)

Mark Hilton (Ground School)

Dave Price (DM)

Ed (DHF)

Ed (DM)

Martin Morris (DM)

Ground School Instructor

Self Hire Pilot (DM)

Martin McMinn (DM)

Service Provider (online)

Service Provider (onsite)

Alan Fearn (DM)

Steve Bell (DHF)

Top services

Imagem do serviço

Foundation - Fixed Wing Flying Lesson @ Dairy House Farm

60 min

A foundation phase flying lesson in a school fixed wing aircraft with a flight instructor at Diary House Farm. The foundation phase covers phases 1 - 4 (exercises 1-13) the NPPL Syllabus.

Imagem do serviço

Advanced - Fixed Wing Flying Lesson @ Dairy House Farm

60 min

A foundation phase flying lesson in a school fixed wing aircraft with a flight instructor at Diary House Farm. The foundation phase covers phases 1 - 3 (exercises 1-10b) the NPPL Syllabus.

Imagem do serviço

Advanced - Flexwing Flying Lesson @ Dairy House Farm

60 min

A flying lesson in a school flexwing aircraft with a flight instructor at Dairy House Farm

Imagem do serviço

Advanced - Fixed Wing Flying Lesson @ Darley Moor

60 min

An advanced phase flying lesson in a school fixed wing aircraft with a flight instructor at Darley Moor. The NPPL is split between the Foundation Phase (phases 1-3) & Advanced Phase (phases 4-9)

Imagem do serviço

Foundation - Flexwing Flying Lesson @ Dairy House Farm

60 min

A flying lesson in a school flexwing aircraft with a flight instructor at Dairy House Farm

Imagem do serviço

Foundation - Fixed Wing Flying Lesson @ Darley Moor

60 min

A flying lesson in a school fixed wing aircraft with a flight instructor at Darley Moor

Imagem do serviço

Advanced - Flexwing Flying Lesson @ Darley Moor

60 min

A flying lesson in a school flexwing aircraft with a flight instructor at Darley Moor 

Imagem do serviço

Foundation - Flexwing Flying Lesson @ Darley Moor

60 min

A flying lesson in a school flexwing aircraft with a flight instructor at Darley Moor 

Imagem do serviço

60 minute Flexwing Microlight Flying Experience at Darley Moor

60 min

60 minute flight in a flexwing microlight departing from Darley Moor Airfield 

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30 minute Flexwing Microlight Flying Experience at Darley Moor

30 min

30 minute flight in a flexwing microlight departing from Darley Moor Airfield 

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20 minute Flexwing Microlight Flying Experience at Darley Moor

20 min

20 minute flight in a flexwing microlight departing from Darley Moor Airfield 

Imagem do serviço

60 minute Fixed Wing Flying Experience at Darley Moor

60 min

60 minute Fixed Wing Flying Experience at Darley Moor

Imagem do serviço

30 minute Fixed Wing Flying Experience at Darley Moor

30 min

30 minute Fixed Wing Flying Experience at Darley Moor

Imagem do serviço

20 minute Fixed Wing Flying Experience at Darley Moor

20 min

20 minute Fixed Wing Flying Experience at Darley MoorDirections:

Imagem do serviço

20 minute Flexwing Microlight Flying Experience at Dairy House Farm

20 min

20 minute Flexwing Microlight Flying Experience taking off from Dairy House Farm

Imagem do serviço

60 minute Flexwing Microlight Flying Experience at Dairy House Farm

60 min

60 minute Flexwing Microlight Flying Experience taking off from Dairy House Farm

Imagem do serviço

30 minute Fixed Wing Microlight Flying Experience at Dairy House Farm

30 min

30 minute Fixed Wing Microlight Flying Experience at Dairy House Farm

Imagem do serviço

20 minute Fixed Wing Microlight Flying Experience at Dairy House Farm

20 min

20 minute Fixed Wing Microlight Flying Experience at Dairy House Farm

Imagem do serviço

30 minute Flexwing Microlight Flying Experience at Dairy House Farm

30 min

30 minute Flexwing Microlight Flying Experience taking off from Dairy House Farm

Imagem do serviço

60 minute Fixed Wing Microlight Flying Experience at Dairy House Farm

60 min

Imagem do serviço

Foundation - Fixed Wing Lesson (Own Aircraft) @ Dairy House Farm

60 min

Select this option if your training is going to be conducted on your own fixed wing aircraft at Dairy House Farm

Imagem do serviço

Foundation - Flexwing Lesson (Own Aircraft) @ Diary House Farm

60 min

Select this option if your training is going to be conducted on your own flexwing aircraft at Dairy House Farm.

Imagem do serviço

Foundation - Fixed Wing Lesson (Own Aircraft) @ Darley Moor

60 min

Select this option if your training is going to be conducted on your own fixed wing aircraft at Darley Moor

Imagem do serviço

Foundation - Flexwing Lesson (Own Aircraft) @ Darley Moor

60 min

Select this option if your training is going to be conducted on your own flexwing aircraft at Darley Moor

Imagem do serviço

Advanced - Flexwing Lesson (Own Aircraft) @ Diary House Farm

60 min

Select this option if your training is going to be conducted on your own flexwing aircraft at Dairy House Farm.

Imagem do serviço

Advanced - Flexwing Lesson (Own Aircraft) @ Darley Moor

60 min

Select this option if your training is going to be conducted on your own flexwing aircraft at Darley Moor

Imagem do serviço

Advanced - Fixed Wing Lesson (Own Aircraft) @ Darley Moor

60 min

Select this option if your training is going to be conducted on your own fixed wing aircraft at Darley Moor

Imagem do serviço

Advanced - Fixed Wing Lesson (Own Aircraft) @ Dairy House Farm

60 min

Select this option if your training is going to be conducted on your own fixed wing aircraft at Dairy House Farm

Imagem do serviço

Advanced - Fixed Wing Navigation Lesson (DUAL) @ Dairy House Farm

60 min

Your Instructor has asked you to book a navigation exercise (Ex18a & b) slot for dual instruction.  You will be pre-briefed prior to your lesson and arrive with your route prepared.DO NOT BOOK THIS UNLESS YOU HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED BY YOUR INS

Imagem do serviço

Advanced - Flexwing Navigation Lesson (DUAL) @ Dairy House Farm

60 min

Your Instructor has asked you to book a navigation exercise (Ex18a & b) slot for dual instruction.  You will be pre-briefed prior to your lesson and arrive prepared with your route.DO NOT BOOK THIS UNLESS YOU HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED BY YOUR INS

Imagem do serviço

Advanced - Fixed Wing Navigation Lesson (DUAL) @ Darley Moor

60 min

Your Instructor has asked you to book a navigation exercise (Ex18a & b) slot for dual instruction.  You will be pre-briefed and will need to arrive at your lesson with your planned route.DO NOT BOOK THIS UNLESS YOU HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED BY YO

Imagem do serviço

Advanced - Flexwing Navigation Lesson (DUAL) @ Darley Moor

60 min

Your Instructor has asked you to book a navigation exercise (Ex18a & b) slot for dual instruction.You will of been pre-briefed and should arrive at your lesson with your route planned.DO NOT BOOK THIS UNLESS YOU HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED BY YOUR INSTR

Imagem do serviço

Permit to Fly @ Darley Moor - Fixed Wing Aircraft

240 min

This service takes place at Darley Moor AirfieldTiming: For two seat microlights your aircraft must be inspected, and check flown to revalidate its Permit to Fly each year. If the aircraft's Certificate of Validity (C of V) is still valid, the i

Imagem do serviço

Permit to Fly @ Darley Moor - Flexwing Aircraft

240 min

This service takes place at Darley Moor AirfieldTiming: For two seat microlights your aircraft must be inspected, and check flown to revalidate its Permit to Fly each year. If the aircraft's Certificate of Validity (C of V) is still valid, the i

Ícone de serviço

Gold Valet (Sub 600kg)

60 min

Bronze Clean + Airframe De Grease, Wing UV Wax*, Cockpit Cleaned, Screen & Window Glass Glow cleaned, Nose, Prop, Leading Edge & Tail plane polished.

Ícone de serviço

Bronze Valet (Sub 600kg)

60 min

De Mud & Crud Airframe & Wing Wash, Prop Clean, Debug, Screen & Window Clean, water repellent high finish. Please note these are guideline prices.

Ícone de serviço

Silver Valet (Sub 600kg)

60 min

Bronze Clean + Airframe De Grease, Wing UV Wax*, Cockpit Cleaned, Screen & Window Glass Glow cleaned, Nose, Prop, Leading Edge & Tail plane polished.

Imagem do serviço

NPPL Holder Instructional Flight Fixed Wing @ Diary House Farm

60 min

If you require an hour with a flight instructor for your bi-annual NPPL requirement.Please note: A UK NPPL (M) requires Microlight pilots to complete a minimum 12 hours in the 24 month validity period, with at least one hour of this time (and up

Imagem do serviço

NPPL Holder Instructional Flight FlexWing @ Darley Moor

60 min

If you require an hour with a flight instructor for your bi-annual NPPL requirement.Please note: A UK NPPL (M) requires Microlight pilots to complete a minimum 12 hours in the 24 month validity period, with at least one hour of this time (and up

Imagem do serviço

NPPL Holder Instructional Flight Fixed Wing @ Darley Moor

60 min

If you require an hour with a flight instructor for your bi-annual NPPL(M) requirement.Please note: A UK NPPL (M) requires Microlight pilots to complete a minimum 12 hours in the 24 month validity period, with at least one hour of this time (and

Imagem do serviço

NPPL Holder Instructional Flight Fixed Wing (Own Aircraft) @ Diary House Farm

60 min

If you require an hour with a flight instructor for your bi-annual NPPL requirement in your own aircraft.Please note: A UK NPPL (M) requires Microlight pilots to complete a minimum 12 hours in the 24 month validity period, with at least one hour

Imagem do serviço

NPPL Holder Instructional Flight FlexWing (Own Aircraft) @ Diary House Farm

60 min

If you require an hour with a flight instructor for your bi-annual NPPL requirement in your own aircraft.Please note: A UK NPPL (M) requires Microlight pilots to complete a minimum 12 hours in the 24 month validity period, with at least one hour

Imagem do serviço

NPPL Holder Instructional Flight FlexWing (Own Aircraft) @ Darley Moor

60 min

If you require an hour with a flight instructor for your bi-annual NPPL requirement in your own aircraft.Please note: A UK NPPL (M) requires Microlight pilots to complete a minimum 12 hours in the 24 month validity period, with at least one hour

Imagem do serviço

NPPL Holder Instructional Flight Fixed Wing (Own Aircraft) @ Darley Moor

60 min

If you require an hour with a flight instructor for your bi-annual NPPL(M) requirement in your own aircraft.Please note: A UK NPPL (M) requires Microlight pilots to complete a minimum 12 hours in the 24 month validity period, with at least one h

Imagem do serviço

NPPL Holder Instructional Flight FlexWing @ Diary House Farm

60 min

If you require an hour with a flight instructor for your bi-annual NPPL requirement.Please note: A UK NPPL (M) requires Microlight pilots to complete a minimum 12 hours in the 24 month validity period, with at least one hour of this time (and up

Imagem do serviço

Sports Light Flight Experience from Dairy House Farm in a Fixed Wing

90 min

Fly from Dairy House Farm airfield near Nantwich over the Cheshire Plain and surrounding areas and experience the joys of flying in a Sports Light Microlight. You can have a go at flying the aircraft or just sit back and enjoy the experience. Be warn

Imagem do serviço

Sports Light Flight Experience from Darley Moor in a Fixed Wing

90 min

Fly from our Ashbourne Airfield over the stunning Peak District National Park and experience the joys of flying in a Sports Light Microlight. You can have a go at flying the aircraft or just sit back and enjoy the experience. Be warned, it's very add

Imagem do serviço

Dambuster Flight Experience from Darley Moor in a Fixed Wing

60 min

Fly from our Ashbourne Airfield over the stunning Peak District National Park to the iconic Derwent Valley, where the famous Dambusters raids were meticulously practised during the war. Flying in one of our Sports Light aircraft you will help your

Imagem do serviço

Gateway to the Peaks from Darley Moor in a Flexwing

120 min

A guided tour of the Peaks and surrounding areas from the best viewpoint – an open-air flex wing microlight. Fly over the natural beauty of Dove Dale Valley or visit the peaceful tranquillity of Carsington Water plus much, much more on this breath

Imagem do serviço

Fixed Wing Type or Control Conversion Lesson @ Dairy House Farm

60 min

A type or control conversion lesson in a school fixed wing C-42 aircraft with a flight instructor at Diary House Farm. You will already have a valid NPPL.A control conversion would be moving from weightshift to 3 axis controls. A type conversion woul

Imagem do serviço

Flexwing Type or Control Conversion Lesson @ Dairy House Farm

60 min

A type or control conversion lesson in a school flexwing aircraft with a flight instructor at Diary House Farm. You will already have a valid NPPL.A control conversion would be moving from 3 axis controls to weightshift . A type conversion

Imagem do serviço

600kg Fixed Wing Conversion Lesson (Own Aircraft) @ Darley Moor

60 min

A weight conversion lesson in your own 600kg aircraft with a flight instructor at Darley Moor. You will already have a valid NPPL.

Imagem do serviço

Flexwing Type or Control Conversion Lesson @ Darley Moor

60 min

A type or control conversion lesson in a school flexwing aircraft with a flight instructor at Darley Moor. You will already have a valid NPPL.A control conversion would be moving from 3 axis controls to weightshift . A type conversion would

Imagem do serviço

Fixed Wing Type or Control Conversion Lesson @ Darley Moor

60 min

A type or control conversion lesson in a school fixed wing C-42 aircraft with a flight instructor at Darley Moor. You will already have a valid NPPL.A control conversion would be moving from weightshift to 3 axis controls. A type conversion would be

Imagem do serviço

Hire of the DM C42

60 min

Imagem do serviço

NPPL Holder Advanced Flight Skills (Own Aircraft)

60 min

We have all learnt to be PiC during our flight training, but we also recognise certain skills fade, if not used frequently. This booking allows you to cover off the more advanced topics to suit your requirements beyond a simple bi-annual revalidation

Imagem do serviço

Navigation Workshop

120 min


Imagem do serviço

SkyDemon Planning, Preparation and In Flight

120 min

Want to maximise the use of SkyDemon in the air and on the ground, get to know more about the product and explore its many features in this (online) course we will spend time on the planning and preparation, then followed up with a simulated flight a

Imagem do serviço

NPPL(M) Exam Booking

60 min

This allows you to book an on-site exam at Darley Moor Airfield for the NPPL(M) - Air Law, Aircraft Technical, Human Factors, Navigation and Metrology. 

Imagem do serviço

How to Rig and De-Rig your sub70

240 min

Own a Fox 13, Adam or Nine wing?  This course will make you more confident in the Rigging and De-rigging process.Location: Darley Moor HangarArrival Time: 9.30. Start time: 10amDuration: 2 - 2.5 duration with a tea break.Please wear suitabl

Imagem do serviço

How to Rig and De-Rig your Flexwing Microlight

240 min

Own a Quik or similar 450-600kg Flexwing?  This course will make you more confident in the Rigging and De-rigging process.Location: Darley Moor HangarArrival Time: 9.30. Start time: 10amDuration: 2 - 2.5 duration with a tea break.Please wea

Imagem do serviço

Basic Rotax 912 UL/ULS Engine Overview Fixed and Flex @ Darley Moor

240 min

Basic Rotax course for owner/operator of both Fixed wing and Flex wing aircraft.This will cover the basic operation and component parts of a 912, including how to perform a daily inspection and pre flight checks.  This is ideal for students and

Ícone de serviço

1:1 Ground Training

60 min


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