ɴ☤ᴛ 新都醫療 New Town Medical
- newtownmedical.simplybook.asia
- 新都專科醫療中心 (屯門) New Town Medical Specialist Centre (Tuen Mun), 屯門屯利街新都大廈商場二樓220-225室, Shop 220-225, 2/F, New Town Mansion Shopping Arcade, Tuen Lee Street, Tuen Mun
- 新都醫務中心 (屯門時代廣場) New Town Medical Centre (Trend Plaza), 屯門時代廣場北翼地1號, North Wing G1, Trend Plaza, 2 Tuen Lung Street, Tuen Mun
- 新都專科醫療中心 (尖沙咀) New Town Medical Specialist Centre (Tsim Sha Tsui), 尖沙咀彌敦道26號8樓801-803室, Flat 801-803, 8/F, 26 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
- 新都醫務中心 (沙田) New Town Medical Centre (Sha Tin), 沙田置富第一城1樓136B號, Shop 136B , 1/F, City One Plaza, Sha Tin
- 新都醫務中心 (屯門新都商場) New Town Medical Centre (TM), 屯門屯利街新都大廈商場二樓214-215室
- 新都醫務中心 (寶怡) New Town Medical (Blossom Garden), 屯門寶怡花園商場1樓13號, Shop 13, 1/F Shopping Arcade, Blossom Garden, Tuen Mun
- 新都專科醫療中心 (元朗) New Town Medical Specialist Centre (Yuen Long), 元朗阜財街2號宏豐大廈地下8號, Shop 8, Ground Floor, Wang Fung Building, 2 Fau Tsoi Street, Yuen Long
- 新都醫務中心 (天水圍) New Town Medical Centre (Tin Shui Wai), 天水圍嘉湖新北江商場地下G3舖, Shop G3 , G/F, Kingswood Richly Plaza, Kingswood Villas, Tin Shui Wai
- 新都醫務中心 (觀塘) New Town Medical Centre (Kwun Tong), 觀塘裕民坊商場1樓102號鋪, Shop 102, L1/F, Yue Man Square, Kwun Tong
- 新都醫務中心 (錦薈坊) New Town Medical Centre (K-Point), 屯門錦薈坊地下102A號, Shop 102A, G/F, K-Point, Tuen Mun
- 新都醫務中心 (教育路) New Town Medical Centre (Kau Yuk Road), 元朗大棠路22A-30號寶發大廈地下13號, No.13, G/F, Po Fat Building, 22A-30 Tai Tong Road, Yuen Long
- 新都醫務中心 (荃灣) New Town Medical Centre (Tsuen Wan), 荃灣路德圍46-58號嘉新大廈地下C2號, Shop C2, G/F, Carson Mansion, 46-58 Lo Tak Court, Tsuen Wan
- 新都醫務中心 (黃大仙) New Town Medical Centre ( WONG TAI SIN), 黃大仙中心北館三樓301-302舖 , Shop 301-302, 3/F (L3), Wong Tai Sin Temple Mall North, Wong Tai Sin, 000000, 九龍
- 新都醫務中心 (深水埗) New Town Medical Centre (Sham Shui Po), 九龍深水埗深旺道28號V Walk地下G-3鋪, Shop No. G-3, G/F, V Walk, 28 Sham Mong Road, Sham Shui Po, 九龍
- 新都醫務中心 (粉嶺) New Town Medical Centre (Fanling), 粉嶺中心商場地下102B&C, 102B&C, G/F, Fanling Centre, Fanling, 新界
- 新都護眼(屯門), 屯門屯利街2號新都大廈商場三樓307室 (日本城對面), 307 Level 3, New Town Mansion, 2 Tuen Lee St., Tuen Mun, NT, 新界
- 新都護眼(元朗), 元朗教育路千色匯2樓15號舖, Flat/Rm 15, 2/F, Kolour Yuen Long, 1 Kau Yuk Road,Yuen Long, NT, 新界
Horário de abertura
00:00 - 00:00
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00:00 - 00:00
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預約流程➀ 按橫幅廣告上的 ➜ ➁ 選擇診所 ➜ ➂ 選擇服務 ➜ ➃ 註冊帳戶*並填妥個人資料 ➜ ➄ 提交預約 ➜ ➅ 接收SMS短訊及電郵確認 Procedures➀ Click on the banner ➜ ➁ Select Clinic ➜ ➂ Select Service ➜ ➃ Sign-up* ➜ ➄ Submit Booking ➜ ➅ Receive SMS & E-mail Confirmation*每個帳戶代表每位接種者,如需為另一位接種者預約,請重新註冊帳戶預約。* Each account for each person. 新冠疫苗接種費用全免 Covid-vaccination is a FREE service. 合資格人士 (持香港身份證) Qualified Persons (with HKID) [更新於 Last update: 2/8/2022]第一及第二針 The 1st & 2nd Dose✅ 12歲或以上香港居民 (未滿18歲須家長陪同接種 )【12-49歲兩針應相隔最少56日】【50歲或以上 / 免疫力弱人士上兩針應相隔最少21日 】 ⚠ 5 - 11歲只能在兒童社區疫苗接種中心接種復必泰 Hong Kong Citizens (12 Years Old or Above)(Children under 18 must be accompanied by an adult)【 For those aged 12-49, the time interval for receiving the 2nd dose is at least 56 days.】【For those aged 50 or above /immunocompromised individuals , the time interval for receiving the 2nd dose is at least 21 days.】 ⚠ Children aged 5-11 must go to CCVCs for the BioNTech Vaccination. 第三針 The 3rd Dose✅ 已接種兩劑科興/復必泰疫苗成人【相隔最少90天】For adults received 2 doses of Sinovac or BioNTech.【Interval: 90 days】✅ 12歲或以上已接種兩劑新冠疫苗的免疫力弱人士 (有醫學證明)【相隔最少28天】 For 12 or above immunocompromised individuals who received 2 doses of Sinovac or BioNTech. (With Medical Documents)【Interval: 28 days】✅ 12-17歲已接種兩劑科興疫苗青少年【相隔最少90天】For 12-17 teenagers received 2 doses of Sinovac.【Interval: 90 days】✅ 12-17歲已接種兩劑復必泰疫苗青少年【相隔最少150天】For 12-17 teenagers received 2 doses of BioNTech.【Interval: 150 days】第四針 The 4th Dose✅ 18-49歲人士【相隔最少180天】For 18-49 adults.【Interval: 180 days】✅ 50歲或以上人士【相隔最少90天】For the adults or elderly aged 50 or above【Interval: 90 days】✅ 12歲或以上已接種三劑新冠疫苗的免疫力弱人士 (有醫學證明)【相隔最少90天】12 or above immunocompromised individuals who received 2 doses of Sinovac or BioNTech. (with Medical Evidence)【Interval: 90 days】⚠️ 條款及政策 Terms & Conditions1. 復必泰疫苗由政府衛生署供應,新都醫療需視乎疫苗供應情況,必要時或需調整接種預約。 The government supplies the BioNTech vaccines; we might need to adjust vaccination appointments if necessary, depending on the vaccine supply.2. 根據政府指引,由於每瓶復必泰疫苗存有7針劑,一經開封,存放時間有限,故新都醫療需盡量整合接種預約以免浪費針劑。According to the BioNTech guideline, we might need to adjust vaccination appointments if necessary.3. 如你首兩劑接種的新冠疫苗並非科興 / 復必泰 ,你須前往社區疫苗接種中心接種其餘針數。If your 1st or 2nd dose of covid-vac is neither Sinovac nor BioNTech, you have to go to CVCs for your rest vaccination.4. 請確保預約接種疫苗之日子相隔時間足夠。Please make sure there is enough interval for your vaccination.5. 如有任何爭議,新都醫療保留最終決定權。In case of any disputes, New Town Medical reserves the right of final decision.⚠️更改 / 取消政策 Cancellation Policy如需更改 / 取消預約,敬請提前最少1個工作天登入系統進行 / 通知診所。If there is any change in your booking, at least one day’s prior notice is required. WhatsApp 查詢 EnquiryDescontos e cupons
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護士診所 (屯門)

護士診所 (尖沙咀)

護士診所 (元朗)

護士診所 (黃大仙)
護士診所 (深水埗)
護士診所 (粉嶺)
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護士診所 - 遙距醫療
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