Ícone da empresa

Three Rivers Medical Center

Sobre a empresa

Three Rivers Medical Center Sign-On Fair IT Transition Teams will be onsite to verify the following based on your role(s): - Validate your “single sign-on process” (using one set of secure credentials to login securely to most applications) - Verify you have the right access in MedHost Direct and other applications - Deploy and configure any additional new devices - Configure clinician favorites in MedHost - Customize provider Order Sets

Nossa equipe

Three Rivers Medical Center

Top services

Ícone de serviço

Provider Customization

60 min

Designed to work with physicians customize new software and peripherals.

Ícone de serviço

Manager/Dept Customization

60 min

Make an appt to bring several employees to the Sign-On Fair at one time.

Ícone de serviço

Follow-Up Appt.

60 min

For users who may have experienced technical issues or otherwise need additional service.


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