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A Pawtastically Purrrfect Woofrld LLC

Horário de abertura

  • Domingo

    08:15 - 21:45

  • Segunda-feira

    08:15 - 21:45

  • Terça-feira

    08:15 - 21:45

  • Quarta-feira

    08:15 - 21:45

  • Quinta-feira

    08:15 - 20:45

  • Sexta-feira

    08:15 - 20:45

  • Sábado

    08:15 - 19:45

Sobre a empresa

I'm strongly motivated in growing, & upcoming towards becoming one day, "Detroit's Most Wholeheartedly Dependable Animal/Pet Care Providing Business" that'll years from now, be known as one of the most wholehearted & honorable little God Pet Mumpy throughout all of Detroit as well as outside of Michigan in caring for all animals. Currently, I only am working towards making the care section of providing Services be the main focused source known of my business, that way we can all grow together

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Nossa equipe

Pawtastically Purrrfect Woofrld LLC

Top services

Imagem do serviço

Welcome To Pawtastically Purrrfect Woofrld LLC!!!!

45 min

I'm strongly motivated in growing, & upcoming towards becoming one day, "Detroit's Most Wholeheartedly Dependable Animal/Pet Care Providing Business" that'll years from now, be known as one of the most wholehearted & honorable little God Pet Mump

Ícone de serviço

Add-On PriceTag: Baby Pet Paradise starting as young as 1month going up until the age of 14months

1435 min

I provide unconditional as well as safe & comfortable care to the furchild that is gratefully trusted in my confounds until pet parent's return. Puppies & Kittens are very energetic & very adventurous! They are in need of unconditional su

Ícone de serviço

Feline Boarding Services: 1lb going up to 22lb

1435 min

This service is where I provide all-around care that the PetParent ask/request during a scheduled time throughout the day. The earliest start time of service being provided is 8 am. Furbabies are to be picked up & dropped off at the exact time ag

Ícone de serviço

Other Pets Boarding Services: 1lb going up to 6lbs

1435 min

This service is where I provide all-around care that the PetParent ask/request during a scheduled time throughout the day. The earliest start time of service being provided is 8 am. Furbabies are to be picked up & dropped off at the exact time ag

Ícone de serviço

Canine Boarding Services: 1lb going up to 21lbs

1435 min

This service is where I provide all-around care that the PetParent ask/request during a scheduled time throughout the day. The earliest start time of service being provided is 8 am. Furbabies are to be picked up & dropped off at the exact time ag

Ícone de serviço

Other Pet Boarding Services: 7lbs going up to 15lbs

1435 min

This service is where I provide all-around care that the PetParent ask/request during a scheduled time throughout the day. The earliest start time of service being provided is 8 am. Furbabies are to be picked up & dropped off at the exact time ag

Ícone de serviço

Feline Boarding Services: 23lbs going up to 40lbs

1435 min

This service is where I provide all-around care that the PetParent ask/request during a scheduled time throughout the day. The earliest start time of service being provided is 8 am. Furbabies are to be picked up & dropped off at the exact time ag

Ícone de serviço

Canine Boarding Services: 22lbs going up to 41lbs

1435 min

This service is where I provide all-around care that the PetParent ask/request during a scheduled time throughout the day. The earliest start time of service being provided is 8 am. Furbabies are to be picked up & dropped off at the exact time ag

Ícone de serviço

Other Pet Boarding Services: 16lbs going up to 57lbs

1435 min

This service is where I provide all-around care that the PetParent ask/request during a scheduled time throughout the day. The earliest start time of service being provided is 8 am. Furbabies are to be picked up & dropped off at the exact time ag

Ícone de serviço

Feline Boarding Services: 41lbs going up to 60lbs

1435 min

This service is where I provide all-around care that the PetParent ask/request during a scheduled time throughout the day. The earliest start time of service being provided is 8 am. Furbabies are to be picked up & dropped off at the exact time ag

Ícone de serviço

Canine Boarding Services: 41lbs going up to 72lbs

1435 min

This service is where I provide all-around care that the PetParent ask/request during a scheduled time throughout the day. The earliest start time of service being provided is 8 am. Furbabies are to be picked up & dropped off at the exact time ag

Ícone de serviço

Senior Aged Add-on PriceTag: For Ages 9 (Human)Years & Going....

60 min

This is a add-on pricetag for senior pets due to needing extra care and some with needing the extra attention as well.  Senior aged pets will be treated overly luxurious within my care with photos and videos as well as to access to online viewin

Ícone de serviço

Other Pet Boarding Services: 58lbs going up to and OVER 100lbs+

1435 min

This service is where I provide all-around care that the PetParent ask/request during a scheduled time throughout the day. The earliest start time of service being provided is 8 am. Furbabies are to be picked up & dropped off at the exact time ag

Ícone de serviço

Cat Boarding Services: 61lbs going up to & OVER 100lbs+

1435 min

This service is where I provide all-around care that the PetParent ask/request during a scheduled time throughout the day. The earliest start time of service being provided is 8 am. Furbabies are to be picked up & dropped off at the exact time ag

Ícone de serviço

Canine Boarding Services: 73lbs going up to & OVER 110lbs+

1435 min

This service is where I provide all-around care that the PetParent ask/request during a scheduled time throughout the day. The earliest start time of service being provided is 8 am. Furbabies are to be picked up & dropped off at the exact time ag


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    Andrea Cunningham

    3/9/2022, 2:04:53 PM

    Milo & Ace

    My pups always enjoy their stay with Angel!❤️

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