Personality & Brain Research
- personalitystudy.simplybook.me
- Personality & Brain Research, Dunedin, 95 Union Street East, North Dunedin
Horário de abertura
Dia de folga
Dia de folga
11:00 - 18:00
Dia de folga
Dia de folga
Dia de folga
Dia de folga
Sobre a empresa
If you say yes to any one of the questions below, we invite you to participate in our study. You will complete tasks and questionnaires on a computer and have your brainwaves recorded at the same time. You will then be interviewed.Are you charming? Good at manipulating or ‘conning’ people? Good at taking care of number one? Carefree? Would do anything for a dare? Adventurous?Do you get angry a lot? Have you used drugs? Do you have criminal convictions? Are you impulsive? Have you ever been diagnosed with ADHD?If you are between 18-55 years old and not on medication for depression, anxiety and panic, please text Phoebe at 020 416 09311 or e-mail psy.pbr@otago.ac.nz. Please allow up to 4.5 hours for the study. You will receive a $75 supermarket voucher (for out of pocket expenses incurred in participating in the experiment) and there is a chance to win extra cash from the computer tasks.Nossa equipe

Personality & Brain Research
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Personality & Brain Research
240 min
This study involves a personality questionnaire, EEG experiment and interview.
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