Cam CC Free Batting Lane Session
Data de validade: 31 de março de 2025

Playfulness in der frühen Kindheit (Playful)
Das Forschungsprojekt untersucht, wie sich die Playfulness von Kindern – verstanden als die Qualität des kindlichen Spiels – unter Berücksichtigung ihrer sozialen, emotionalen und kognitiven Entwicklung sowie im Kontext ihrer Spiel- und Lernumgebunge
Zürich, Lagerstrasse 2, Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich
Zürich, Lagerstrasse 2, Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich Mostrar no mapaKinderbefragung (1-4 Kinder)
Kinderbefragung (5-8 Kinder)
Kinderbefragung (ab 9 Kinder)

Mysa Beauty Parlour
Mysa Beauty Parlour預約?Appointment |美甲Nails|微針Microneedling
Math Beauty
Vous souhaitez faire de votre regard votre principal atout charme ? Rendez-vous chez Math Beauty situé à Eyguieres dans les Bouches-du-Rhône. Mathilde sera ravie de vous y accueillir pour vous faire profiter de son savoir-faire. Chez Math Beauty n
Pose complète - Cil à cil
Comblage - Cil à cil
Pose complète - Mixte
Business English
English for Children (10-15)
General English
Foundation Mini Kickers June/July Every Monday 16:00
Foundation U11 Boys June/July Course Thursday’s 15:45
Foundation U12 & U13 Boys June/July Course Wednesday’s 15:45

Fierce Female Beauty
We are a beauty retail brand based in Abuja, Nigeria. We provide a good range of product options from over 60 skincare brands. and offer professional assistance with product selection and usage, based on each customer’s unique needs.
Abuja, Suite 40, 2nd Floor, 740 Agunwa Anaekwe Street, Wuye
Abuja, Suite 40, 2nd Floor, 740 Agunwa Anaekwe Street, Wuye Mostrar no mapaComprehensive Consultation + 1 Virtual Follow Up + 2 weeks of Onboarding Support - N35,000
Comprehensive Consultation + 2 Virtual Follow-Up appts + 4 weeks onboarding support N45,000
Priority Client - 3 MONTHS One-on-One Management N120,000

Intuitive Transformational Women's Life Coach Ida
Ida empowers you to eliminate obstacles, gain clarity, set goals, and holds you accountable to achieve your desires. If you feeling stuck, confused, or unhappy. Ida provides you with the tools to take action. Start Winning From Within!!!
Transformational Leap Sessions
1:1 Success Mastery Series
Clarity Discovery Call
Eventos (regulares e recorrentes)
陽台茶席起源於一個午後,適逢開蘭茶品牌命名之際,在自家陽台的茶席聚會,邀請友人盲測品飲,以感官交流茶滋味,在一個既隱密又開放的空間,串起城市中的平靜與創意。現在,我們同樣地將山上的空氣帶到城市,特殊茶類盲測品飲,是品酒師、餐廳主廚、感官敏銳者,與美食愛好者的新歡。 無論懂茶不懂茶,與品味獨具的新朋友們,一同創造新生活靈感與平靜的片刻。
台北市, 106台北市大安區金華街84號
台北市, 106台北市大安區金華街84號台北市, 106台北市大安區金華街84號
Mostrar no mapa中山區中山北路二段27巷5-1號, 104, 台北市
Mostrar no mapa杭州南路一段143巷12-1號, 110, 台北市
Mostrar no mapa信義區信義路五段7號台北101大樓73樓, 110, 台北市
Mostrar no mapa仁愛路四段大安區台北市101號, 106, 台北市
Mostrar no mapa邀請制 陽台茶席 Part 6 ▎AUG 31, 2019(週六)
邀請制 陽台茶席 Part 8 ▎Sep 22, 2019(延期)
無言茶席特別場 陽台茶席 Part7 ▎Sep 8, 2019(週日)
Face off aesthetics Uk
Hi my name is Corinne I’m a fully insured qualified aesthetics mobile practitioner covering Liverpool and Widnes surrounding areas I cover all aspects of filers from face to lips also anti-wrinkle treatments, skin booster etc
Lumi eyes
8 point Botox face lift
4.4ml filler face lift

Women In The Rhythm
Ladies of all ages! Socialise and keep fit at our Freestyle Dance Exercise sessions at Women In The Rhythm! Join us at our free spirited & non-judgemental dance parties. Locations: Moggill and surrounding suburbs.