Know Thyself
Get an in depth Astrology reading from LeAndra Lee Baker. I offer birth chart interpretation, parent/child readings, and synastry readings. Each booking will include a Q&A session afterwards for any remaining unanswered questions.
IT Career Consultation
Full Chart Reading
Find Out Your Rising Sign
ShaCa Gurus
We Build, Enhance, and Deliver quality web solutions, so you can work smarter, not harder
Website Consultation
Website Follow-up (Existing Customers)
General Meeting (Existing Customers)
Assessoria de Negócios Treinamentos
Live In Abundance (LIA) is dedicated to empowering mamas to achieve financial independence while working from home. We provide a comprehensive suite of resources, ideas, coaching, and tools designed to help you succeed in the digital economy. Our mis
We developed a unique model of business success training, customized to our clients needs. Leverage our experience and maximize your achievements with our ideal process
Business Consulting Session 1-on-1
Sales Team Training
AliJon Enterprises
AliJon Enterprises was established in 1986. Over the years our products and services have change but our integrity and customer service has not. Our staff offers quality and reliable services you can count on. In addition, our friendly and profession
Shartlesville, PA, Old Route 22, Suite 1986
Shartlesville, PA, Old Route 22, Suite 1986 Mostrar no mapaCrypto Consulting
Preparing for Emergencies
Amy Kocev Consulting
Amy Kocev, Gallup Certified Strength Coach available for 1:1 coaching, leadership coaching, executive coaching, team coaching and team workshops.
1 hr Strengths Coaching - Initial Session
1 hr Strengths Coaching - Follow Up Session
Eureka Wealth Solutions
Eureka Wealth Solutions is a new breed of a hybrid financial advisor. We specialize in thematic and impact investing. In addition to creating and managing low-cost, risk-adjusted, diversified automated core portfolios for the clients, we also prov