Meetingraum Ronfeld
Data de validade: 31 de dezembro de 2024
hkimcf 2023
365 Techies Ltd
Salas de reuniões Eventos (regulares e recorrentes)
365 Techies for all your online issues!We are a family run business that cares. Established in 1995 and Microsoft Certified.Whatever your IT issue... we can solve it.We also offer monthly support subscriptions which include:-Full Service of your comp
London, 71-75 Shelton Street
London, 71-75 Shelton StreetLondon, 71-75 Shelton Street
Mostrar no mapa365 Techies Limited, Pelhams House, BH10 7LF, Kinson
Mostrar no mapaStudio 64 Group
Salas de reuniões Eventos educacionais
Welcome to Studio 64 - one convenient space where being a parent & professional is easier!Imagine being able to drop the children off and walk upstairs to your office? Having the ability to pop down to nurse or have lunch with the chil
South Perth, 64 Mill Point Rd
South Perth, 64 Mill Point RdSouth Perth, 64 Mill Point Rd
Mostrar no mapa64 Mill Point Rd, 6151, South Perth
Mostrar no mapa12 Lathlain Place, Lathlain, 6100, WA
Mostrar no mapaOffice (2 Hour)
Office (Half Day)
Office (Daily)
Villa Urbana Coworking
A Villa Urbana é um espaço de coworking moderno e acolhedor, localizado no bairro Cruzeiro, em Caxias do Sul. Oferecemos estações de trabalho compartilhadas, sala de reunião e escritório privado, para atender às necessidades dos profissionais autônom
Nework Station
Nework station est un espace de coworking dans lequel vous aimerez travailler.
Unity 12
At Unity 12, we are committed to providing fully accessible conference and meeting facilities at a competitive price. We ensure your meetings and conferences are accessible to everyone and we take access seriously, meaning no more guesswork or embarr
Kushlick Room - BOOK FOR 1 HOUR
Kushlick Room - BOOK FOR 2 HOURS
Kushlick Room - BOOK FOR 3 HOURS
Le Lieu Collaboratif
Que ce soit pour venir travailler quelques heures dans un environnement de coworking convivial. Faire une réunion dans un décor vintage. Louer une salle fermée pour vos rencontres étudiantes ou professionnelles. Louer la salle de cours pour vos évène
Coworking Réservation 1 heure
Salle Active Réservation 1 heure
Réservations BSC
Espace de coworkingBureaux privatisésSalle de réunionDomiciliationSystème de visioconférenceParticulier ? Professionnel ? Association ? Formateur ?Nous avons les espaces qu'il vous faut !
MARCHEPRIME, 16, avenue de la Côte d'Argent, Immeuble Markaprima
MARCHEPRIME, 16, avenue de la Côte d'Argent, Immeuble Markaprima Mostrar no mapaEcureuil 1h
Ecureuil 4h
Ecureuil 9h
L'association MINTAKA Maison Holistique met ses locaux à disposition de ses adhérents.Ceci est possible en s'acquittant d'une cotisation avec contrepartie.Vous souhaitez adhérer ? Contactez Michel Kremer au