Serviços espirituais


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Deborah "Atianne" Wilson

Treinamentos Personal trainers Serviços espirituais

Deborah "Atianne" WilsonThe Intuitive Spiritual and Wealth Coach In-Person appointments are available in the following cities based on the travel schedule Boulder, ColoradoLong Beach, CaliforniaPuerto Vallarta, Mexico Phone  ~ Zoom app

Crystal Bed 40 minutes with 60 minute Integrative Coaching Session


30 Minute Biomat Session


60 Minute Biomat Session

1h 15m


Serviços espirituais

"O Centro Cultural Casa de Axé Ogunsina é um fomentador da filosofia de Ifa e da cultura Yoruba como também um santuário dedicado à sabedoria ancestral, onde a tradição de Ifá e o culto aos Orixás são vividos e compartilhados. Dedicado à orientação e

Consulta oracular guiada por IFA

R$ 250,00

The Alchemista

Serviços espirituais

The Alchemista offers Intuitive Healing to assist you in gaining greater clarity, exploring your spiritual gifts and aligning with your souls purpose. Bringing you into your radiant vitality so that you can become the best version of yourself!

Quantum Journeywork

1h 30m

Metatronia Therapy


Lisa Wyland Medium

Serviços espirituais

Hi, I'm Lisa if you found your way here then I'm sure you know who I am and what I do! So let's just skip all the little things and get you set for a session with me.

Service name 1


Service name 2


Service name 3


KNG Healthy Living

Treinamentos Serviços espirituais

We offer customized wellness services to meet each individuals' health needs to include: meal planning, meal prep, health coaching, wellness consults, holistic healing solutions, energy healing practices, and fitness guidance. Our primary goal is to

Energy Healing Consult


Reiki Energy Healing Session


Cosmic Ascension

Serviços espirituais

Welcome to Cosmic Ascension, your go-to destination for spiritual services . Our company is here to provide you with transformative experiences that will help you ascend to higher levels of consciousness. At Cosmic Ascension, we are passionate about

Coaching Intake Call


1 on 1 Coaching


Twin Flame Channeling

Location icon

West Chicago, 946 North Neltnor Blvd, Suite 212

West Chicago, 946 North Neltnor Blvd, Suite 212 Mostrar no mapa

Empowering Your Life Workshop Series: Empowering Chakra Alignment with Eve Wilson

1h 30m

Giselle Spiritual

Serviços espirituais

I am Giselle and I have a special gift that allows me to see more than you can perceive with the naked eye. About things in the past, the present and the future. People tell me all the time how valuable they find my insights and how it helps them mak

Tarotkaarten of lezing - 1 sessie - ter plaatse - 30m - €45

45.00 CHF

Tarotkaarten of lezing - 1 sessie - online - 30m - €45 / CHF 45

45.00 CHF

Tarotkaarten of lezing - 1 sessie - ter plaatse - 60m - €80

80.00 CHF

Chandler Armstrong Astrologer

Serviços espirituais

Your "Cosmic Imprint" as seen in your astrological chart is as unique as your fingerprint and contains information about every aspect of your life.  It is a powerful tool for self-understanding, realizing your true potential, and affirming

Location icon

Vancouver, British Columbia, 1150 Burnaby St. Suite #1002

Vancouver, British Columbia, 1150 Burnaby St. Suite #1002 Mostrar no mapa

Relationship Analysis


Horary Analysis


