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Mother Earth Healing Center


  • 星期日


  • 星期一


  • 星期二

    09:00 - 18:00

  • 星期三

    09:00 - 18:00

  • 星期四

    09:00 - 18:00

  • 星期五

    09:00 - 18:00

  • 星期六

    10:00 - 18:00


   "The courage to reach out for healing, is healing in itself."One session can significantly relieve any one or more of these symptoms:Anxiety, depression, fear, feeling over stimulated, exhaustion, blood pressure issues, anxiety, stomach issues, anger, restlessness, fertility issues, achiness, back and knee issues, a sense of a feeling of belonging, joint and arthritis issues, hopeless, purposeless, lung and intestinal issues, low immune system, side effects from medications, cancer and disease.    If you are suffering any of these symptoms, there can be relief without side effects through alternative medicine. Energy healing has been around for centuries. It releases, clears and restores your body on every level elevating your vibration so you can move more freely in this world with less pain, discomfort and more clarity. Mother Earth Healing Center is a haven for anyone seeking relief from disease and discomfort, whether physical or emotional. 




christina lee Mushin Nordella



Distance Healing Jin Shin Jyutsu/Reiki/Shamanic session

50 分鐘

Jin Shin Jyutsu is a 3,000 year old ancient healing art. Translation is "Art of Creator". It is a gentle form of energy work using 26 points on the body to help raise your vibration, release, balance and deeply heal body and soul. Upon having even on


Distant Reiki Healing Tarot reading

30 分鐘

Uncover hidden influences and gain clarity in the energy surrounding you and what you are attracting. Tarot has been used for centuries to help uncover and discover the deeper meaning and questions your soul is attempting to connect and understand.&n


Distant Shamanic Soul Retrieval

60 分鐘

Reintegrate your soul back into wholeness. When feeling at a soul loss (lack) a soul retrieval can heal fragmented parts of your soul left behind due to emotional, often traumatic related events that you may have dissociated to simply move forward.&n


2 客戶評論

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    J Poldi

    9/18/2024, 1:56:46 AM


    My first session was truly a Divine appointment as I had just gotten COVID and Chris was able to treat me remotely through the worst of it until I was restored.. Her insight and experience are top level, she knows her stuff! I am forever grateful to have her support. She is a lifeline for me.

  • Review user image

    Victoria Cimino

    6/21/2023, 5:14:56 AM

    Christina is AMAZING!

    I have been going to Christina for a couple of years now and I could not recommend her enough! She is so incredibly kind, warming, and makes you feel comfortable and at ease at every session. I leave every appointment feeling at peace. I am so grateful to have her in my life!
