Art of Pilates Studio Bratislava
Pozývame Vás ku nám do štúdia stráviť príjemný čas. Nemusíte 50 minút myslieť na nič, len na svoje telo. My Vás prevedieme tréningom, ktorý si sami vyberiete. Ponúkame individuálne, semi-individuálne aj malé skupinové tréningy, po ktorých sa budete c
We believe exercise should be simple and easy to access. Through regular exercise, we can increase our quality of life and improve our performance. Whether you follow our podcast, blog, watch our videos, or meet one-on-one for a training session, we
PROform Strength & Conditioning
Come experience the ultimate fitness journey with Proform Jersey! Based in the vibrant city of St. Helier, we are a team of dedicated and passionate personal trainers ready to help you achieve your health and fitness goals. At Proform Jersey, we beli
St. Helier, 12-13 Caledonia Place, Weighbridge Pl
St. Helier, 12-13 Caledonia Place, Weighbridge Pl 用地圖查看Atrium Sports Club
Chez Atrium, notre équipe vous accompagne avec naturel et bienveillance. Parce que notre club de sport est à taille humaine, ici, tout le monde se connaît et se respecte. Notre équipe de professionnels est complémentaire, polyvalente, toujours à votr
Rockburn Ltd
ROCKBURN climbing centre is set off the centre of Bridport, a busy market town in south-west Dorset. The facility currently comprises of 75 linear metres of bouldering up to 4.5m, a climbing-focussed gym area and the Rock Cafe, servi
Excentric Fit Gym
Un gym special în natură. Masaj, sauna, personal training disponibile. Zona Tenis Arena.
Brașov, Bulevardul Griviței 1W, Tenis Arena, Brașov
Brașov, Bulevardul Griviței 1W, Tenis Arena, Brașov 用地圖查看Mind. Muscle. Pilates.
PILATES. High intensity, low impact, mix of strength training and Pilates. All levels are welcomed but one private session is recommended if one has never done Pilates. Please bring your own mat and water. You are responsible to have your own equip
Montclair Pickleball
We serve the North Jersey pickleball community with coaching and competition for players of all ages and levels. We aim to provide a place for everyone to learn, play, and enjoy pickleball!