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Holistic Health Solutions exists to help people return to perfect health. I believe the power that made the body, heals the body.

Using a Holistic Healing approach, I seek to bring health in body, soul and spirit, and recognize that one area affects the other. 

Are you experiencing discomfort or pain in your body? This is a sign that your body is out of balance.

Hi, I'm Julia Carr, and I am a Naturopathic Practitioner. I specialize in bringing your body back to balance so it can properly heal and remain healthy, just as God designed. I use a method that only a handful of health professionals are trained to use, called the Zone Technique.

Through a simple and non-invasive analysis, I will determine which system in your body is out of balance, and then I will stimulate specific places in your spine that will send the correct signals for your body to properly balance and heal.

This technique has proven to heal thousands of people from hundreds of ailments including:
* Pain in joints and muscles
* Digestive Issues (IBS, Acid Reflux, Constipation...)
* Numbness and Tingling
* Migraines or Headaches
* Excessive anxiety or stress
* High blood pressure
* Blood Glucose regulation
... and so many more!

Many times, physical challenges are a result of emotional or spiritual blockages. My Barrier Breakthrough method brings healing and fullness to soul and spirit which frees up the physical body to heal properly.

Book your appointment today, and let's get started on your healing journey toward perfect health so you can have a pain-free life.


Julia Carr - Corinna

Julia Carr - Waterville



Body System Balancing (Zone Technique)

15 分钟

Get your body back in balance and working properly with this Body System Balancing adjustment. I will analyze which system in your body needs balancing and then will stimulate specific areas of your spine that will reset that system. Once you are in


Free Consultation over Zoom

30 分钟

Would you like to learn more about Holistic Health Solutions and how we can help you? Book a call over Zoom to talk with Julia and get all your questions answered. Julia will get details about your current condition and will make recommendations for


Barrier Breakthrough

30 分钟

My Barrier Breakthrough method combines deep breathing and unique visualizations that calms the nervous system and releases pent up stress causing pain or anxiety. Once I teach you how to do this, you'll be able to do it on your own and release pain


Spiritual Healing

30 分钟

So much attention is given to our physical bodies, but what about our spirit? Our spirit is that part of us that connects with the Divine, experiences joy, peace, love and faith. You can experience physical and emotional healing as the Divine (God) c


Rejuvenation Rx: Holistic Health Reset

60 分钟

Looking for a full health reset?  Holistic Healing includes body, soul and spirit. Complete health transformation only comes when all three parts of your being are fully aligned.To experience health transformation, you need a comprehensive plan


Natural Health Coaching

60 分钟

This coaching is for people who want to live healthy lives now so they can age with ease and continue to enjoy an active life all their days on earth. We do not have to get sick before we die. If we follow a natural lifestyle - the way our Creator in


3 客户评论
