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Hearlers Stone

Opening hours

  • Sunday

    Day off

  • Monday

    1:00 PM - 9:30 PM

  • Tuesday

    12:00 PM - 8:30 PM

  • Wednesday

    1:00 PM - 9:30 PM

  • Thursday

    9:30 AM - 8:30 PM

  • Friday

    12:00 PM - 8:30 PM

  • Saturday

    9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

About the company

Healer's Stone Massage and Reiki

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Top services

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60 Minute Massage

60 min

Massage therapy: Do you go to bed and wake up with aches and pains? Are you stressed from work, or your personal life? Do you suffer from headaches, neck pain, shoulder pain, back pain or hip pain?  Let me help you. I have been a

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Body, Mind, Spirit Session (60 Min Massage+60 Min Reiki)

120 min

Body, Mind, Spirit SessionBack-to-back massage and Reiki/Intuitive Healing session. This package allows for a one hour massage immediately followed by a one hour Reiki/Intuitive Healing session without ever getting off of the table. Combine the physi

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90 Minute Massage

90 min

Massage therapy: Do you go to bed and wake up with aches and pains? Are you stressed from work, or your personal life? Do you suffer from headaches, neck pain, shoulder pain, back pain or hip pain?  Let me help you. I have been a

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60 minutes Reiki

60 min

Reiki: Have you wondered about this powerful healing modality? Are you struggling with anxiety, depression, grief, or just feel “off”? Do you want to understand the way that energy moves through and around your body so that you can work with it


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