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Bleecker Street Rock Academy

Opening hours

  • Sunday

    9:00 AM - 8:00 PM

  • Monday

    10:00 AM - 9:00 PM

  • Tuesday

    10:00 AM - 9:00 PM

  • Wednesday

    10:00 AM - 9:00 PM

  • Thursday

    10:00 AM - 9:00 PM

  • Friday

    10:00 AM - 9:00 PM

  • Saturday

    9:00 AM - 9:00 PM

About the company

Helping young musicians thrive on stage and master the daily rituals of a rock star. A revolutionary rock band academy, optimized to help you and your friends start a rock band, rehearse like pros, and get on stage in six weeks or less!  Say goodbye to the 'weekly one-hour lesson' paradigm and hello to the laser-sharp focus, courageous mindset, and the daily experience of a musical legend.  Everything you won't learn in music school from distinguished pro musicians, mind and body practitioners, health and wellness practitioners, sports coaches, and more.

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Our team

BreAnna Martin

Shelly Wade

Shelly Wade

Shelly Wade

Shelly Wade

Shelly Wade

Tony Tino, Bass

Justin Rothberg, Guitar

Shelly Wade, Vocals/Guitar/Piano

BreAnna Martin

Top services

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Aural Skills Lab (Alternating @ 4pm)

45 min

Ear Training for all levels. Gain the skills to be able to learn songs on your own, by hearing harmonies, chords, and melodies. We use numbers instead of 'do re mi' because it's much more applicable to the real world. You're never going to walk in

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Co-writing Sessions + Masterclass (Saturdays @ 1PM) [USA / Europe]

90 min

*Session every Sunday / Every 2nd Saturday will include a Masterclass led by Shelly

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Vocal Masterclass (1 Sunday a Month at 1pm)

90 min

with Shelly Wade

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Songwriting Masterclass / Lab (1 Saturday a Month)

90 min

with Shelly Wade

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Chat with the Pros (Every 2nd Sunday of the Month at 1pm)

60 min

Conversations with pro musicians who enjoy a full time career in music, sports coaches on practice techniques and mindset, pro songwriters and producers, and much more.

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Sound Bath (1 Friday a Month)

45 min

We are electrical beings. Spend this Friday evening tuning your body with the healing frequencies.

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45 Minute 1-1 Zoom Lesson

45 min

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Free 20 Minute Feedback Call

30 min

New and old students welcome! Let's get you ready to rock!

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Free 20 Minute Songwriting Session

30 min

How would you feel if you heard your song on iTunes or spotify?! Book a call with Shelly to work through your ideas or get feedback, start a new song from scratch, and find out what you need to record a demo from home.

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1-3 Track Demo Recording

60 min

Give yourself a deadline and choose a date and time to record! You can prepare with your coach during lessons and learn about how to get a good recording by watching the video classes and materials on the membership.

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1 Song Recording Package with 1 Pro Musician + Pro Mix + Publish on iTunes / Spotify / Amazon Music and more.

60 min

Record a cover or original produced by Shelly with up to 4 vox/instruments . Includes 1 Pro Musician, Pro Mix, Option to add additional tracks, pro musicians, a producer, and/or publish on CDBABY.

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Event Entertainment Appointment

30 min

Speak with a Bleecker Street Rock agent to book the perfect band or music experience for your event.


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