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8:00 AM - 9:00 PM
8:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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About the company
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Harry Meister

Ellie Minsky

Beth Levin & Maya Chen

Mikaela Amos
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Online Study: Asking children about inanimate objects
30 min
In this online study, you and your child will join the researcher for a Zoom session. The session takes less than 30 minutes. During the session, we will tell children some short stories and ask them questions about the stories. Next, children will s

Online Word-learning robot study (3 year-olds)
30 min
In this short study, you and your child will watch videos of a robot and a person labeling different objects. Afterward, your child will answer some questions about the videos they watched. Then, your child will play a matching game with our research

Online Word-learning robot study (5 year-olds)
30 min
In this short study, you and your child will watch videos of a robot and a person labeling different objects. Afterward, your child will answer some questions about the videos they watched. Then, your child will play a matching game with our research

Online Study: Moral Understanding (5-6 year olds & 8-9 year-olds)
30 min
In this online study, your child will listen to short stories about a robot or human character. Children will be asked what the character should do. Then, children will see pictures of people and robots and be asked who they would prefer to be friend

In-person study: Exploring children's group preferences (4-5 year olds & 7-8 year-olds)
30 min
Join us in our research lab. In this short in-person study, your child will watch videos of people playing with toys in different ways. Then, your child will play with the toys. We will examine whether your child plays with the toys like members of o
4 reviews