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Better With Cleo B.

Opening hours

  • Sunday

    Day off

  • Monday

    3:00 PM - 6:45 PM

  • Tuesday

    3:00 PM - 8:00 PM

  • Wednesday

    3:15 PM - 8:00 PM

  • Thursday

    3:00 PM - 7:45 PM

  • Friday

    Day off

  • Saturday

    Day off

About the company

Hey Family, It's your "self improvement, accountability, and skin care" coach; Cleo B! Better With Cleo B. is a space curated with life changing services for those who are ready to elevate their current situation, identify limiting beliefs, challenges, and obstacles that you may be facing in your personal life, career, relationships, your skin, and anything connected to your well being. Let's help you achieve a better you.

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Top services

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Self Love Coaching Consult

30 min

The role of a self love coach is to bring about deeper change in the way you perceive yourself. We help bring about a perspective shift in you, while on your self love journey, that helps you become a better you.In our 30 minute consult we will discu

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Life Coaching Consult

30 min

The life coach definition is someone professionally trained to help you maximize your full potential and reach your desired results. They are like a supportive friend and a trusted adviser rolled into one. They’re someone who will

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Self Love Coaching and Skin Care Consult

60 min

The role of a self love coach is to bring about deeper change in the way you perceive yourself. We help bring about a perspective shift in you, while on your self love journey, that helps you become a better you.For 30 minutes  we will discuss y

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Self Love Coaching Single Session

60 min

In this hour session, we will discuss your goals, identify and discuss your needs, identify limiting beliefs, discuss your past, present, and future, identify your strengths and weaknesses, discuss a strategy and steps towards shifting your perceptio

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Discover A Better You Single Session

60 min

Life coaching is a self improvement service designed to help you get out of self doubt, improve your mindset, clarify goals and priorities, and develop empowering habits to help you unlock your purpose. This hour session will focus solely on ide

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Self Love Coaching 6 Week Program

45 min

This 6 week program will take you on a journey that will turn around the perception of yourself, and help you recognize your worth. This program will be curated to your specific needs and the self love goals you have for you. For 6 weeks, we wil

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Discover a Better You 6 Week Program

45 min

This 6 week program will shift your mindset, allow you to gain clarity and expand your vision, unleash your inner power and capacity, assist you in gaining results, assist you in freeing yourself from disappointments, and discover the genius and lead


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