Opening hours

  • Sunday

    7:00 AM - 12:00 AM

  • Monday

    7:00 AM - 12:00 AM

  • Tuesday

    7:00 AM - 12:00 AM

  • Wednesday

    7:00 AM - 12:00 AM

  • Thursday

    7:00 AM - 12:00 AM

  • Friday

    7:00 AM - 12:00 AM

  • Saturday

    7:00 AM - 12:00 AM

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Small Studio

Big Studio

Whole Studio

Top services

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Small Studio - Short Day

120 min

The Small Studio consists of a white corner cyclorama that is 4m x 4m with a height of 4m and is suitable for stills and smaller projects. The space is an open plan that includes a hair and makeup station, lounge and option of natural light or blocko

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Small Studio - Half Day

240 min

The Small Studio consists of a white corner cyclorama that is 4m x 4m with a height of 4m and is suitable for stills and smaller projects. The space is an open plan that includes a hair and makeup station, lounge and option of natural light or blocko

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Small Studio - Full Day

480 min

The Small Studio consists of a white corner cyclorama that is 4m x 4m with a height of 4m and is suitable for stills and smaller projects. The space is an open plan that includes a hair and makeup station, lounge and option of natural light or blocko

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Big Studio - Short Day

120 min

The Big Studio consists of a white corner cyclorama that is 8.5m x 7.5m with a height of 4m and is suitable for motion projects and editorial and commercial shoots. The space includes a lounge area, private makeup and styling room and dedicated rolle

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Big Studio - Half Day

240 min

The Big Studio consists of a white corner cyclorama that is 8.5m x 7.5m with a height of 4m and is suitable for motion projects and editorial and commercial shoots. The space includes a lounge area, private makeup and styling room and dedicated rolle

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Big Studio - Full Day

480 min

The Big Studio consists of a white corner cyclorama that is 8.5m x 7.5m with a height of 4m and is suitable for motion projects and editorial and commercial shoots. The space includes a lounge area, private makeup and styling room and dedicated rolle

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After hours - Big Studio

420 min

For Cool Studio Residents Only

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After hours - Small Studio

420 min

For Cool Studio Residents Only

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Whole Studio - Half Day

240 min

Hiring the Whole Studio provides access to both corner cycloramas and the private makeup and styling room along with use of all shared facilities. This is perfect for large scale commercials with bigger teams, providing flexibility to shoot stills an

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Whole Studio - Full Day

480 min

Hiring the Whole Studio provides access to both corner cycloramas and the private makeup and styling room along with use of all shared facilities. This is perfect for large scale commercials with bigger teams, providing flexibility to shoot stills an


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