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Credit Guardians Consulting

Opening hours

  • Sunday

    Day off

  • Monday

    9:00 AM - 9:00 PM

  • Tuesday

    9:00 AM - 9:00 PM

  • Wednesday

    9:00 AM - 9:00 PM

  • Thursday

    9:00 AM - 9:00 PM

  • Friday

    10:00 AM - 9:00 PM

  • Saturday

    9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

About the company

Credit Guardians provides budgeting, credit, investing, and savings tips that focuses on teaching you how to REBUILD.RESTORE.REVIVE. your credit and improve your financial fitness by providing the education, tools and resources necessary to help you achieve your credit and financial goals. We assist our clients in not only achieving credit worthiness, but understanding how credit works, improving their financial footprint by learning how to invest, sharing income opportunities and so much more. Our Facebook group, Credit Guardians - #LevelUp Your Credit, serves as a safe haven to empower and inspire individuals within our communities. We provide to those that want to grow, achieve the dream of homeownership, financial freedom and having a stake in their communities.

Our team

Credit Guardians, LLC

Top services

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Free Consultation

15 min

Discuss your what issues you are having with your credit and how you would like to go about tackling the debt. This is your opportunity to ask questions and take good notes about how to get started on your journey!

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Budget Coaching

60 min

Take the stress off when preparing your budget. Add the ease of Budget Coaching as we equip you with the education needed to be successful. Get help calculating your income accurately, adding expenses to your budget tracker and discuss ways to cut ba

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Credit Analysis/Audit Overview

30 min

Credit Guardians, prepares an in-depth credit analysis to calculate and indicate areas of improvement for your credit score. With our specialized programming, we prepare customized plans tailored to your unique situation to improve current credit sco

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Credit Coaching

60 min

This service are for those that require more assistance in their journey to Rebuild.Restore.Revive. For this service, you have the option of choosing having this service one time or ongoing. This can be discussed during your initial coaching session.

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Restoration Service w/ Free Consultation

60 min

If you don't have time to DIY, overwhelmed with the dispute process, understanding how to go about drafting effective disputes, understanding the laws, statute of limitations, HIPAA, when to send debt validations to the original creditors, pay for de

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Student Loan Help Consultation

60 min

Schedule a FREE consultation with one of our Specialists and review your options for Student Loan Consolidation, Loan Forgiveness or Lower Monthly Payments. YOU HAVE OPTIONS! First step, enroll for credit monitoring service at


2 reviews

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    Gilbert Angela

    7/12/2017, 1:04:50 PM

    Awesome service

    Since joining Credit Warriors I have been happy and Sharry has always shown a interest in my success. I appreciate each and everyone who make up this awesome service. Thank you

  • Review user image

    Latoya Johnson

    2/14/2017, 2:14:18 AM

    Life changing

    This service is very helpful and the administrators are very personable and caters to everyone needs.

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