Opening hours

  • Sunday

    12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

  • Monday

    12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

  • Tuesday

    12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

  • Wednesday

    12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

  • Thursday

    12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

  • Friday

    12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

  • Saturday

    12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

About the company

I am a photographer based in Cape Town, South Africa. I specialise in real estate, event, product, and portrait commercial photography. I have a variety of art photography prints for sale. I also offer a complete retouching and compositing service.

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Top services

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Small apartment or townhouse

120 min

Apartment or townhouse with maximum two bedrooms and limited outdoor shooting required. You will get approximately 15 photos of your choice with full retouching.

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Medium apartment or house with garden or communal spaces

180 min

3-4 bedroom house or apartment with significant outdoor features or views. You will get approximately 20 professonally retouched images of your choice.

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Large residence

240 min

House or apartment with 5 or more bedrooms and extensive outdoor features. You will get around 25 retouched photos of your choosing.

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Two hour location shoot

120 min

Good for social media profile shoots, quickie events, short performances and walk around album cover shoots. Includes your selection of ±25 professionally retouched images in digital format.

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Four hour location shoot

240 min

Suitable for parties, fashion shoots, exhibitions, stage shows, and product launches. Includes your selection of ±50 professionally retouched images in digital format.

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Eight hour location shoot

480 min

Good for corporate events, festivals, trade shows, extended events, community events. Includes your selection of±100 professionally retouched images in digital format.

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Twelve hour location shoot

720 min

Good for corporate events, festivals, trade shows, extended events, community events. Includes your selection of ±150 professionally retouched images in digital format.

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Two hour social media makeover

120 min

Two hour shoot on location. Includes an professional makeup artist and a professional social media rewrite. You can temove them at the booking stage should you not need them. You will receive ±ten professionally retouch profile pictures and banners,

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Four hour social media makeover

240 min

This is a four hour shoot on two to three different locations. Great for couple shoots. Includes an professional makeup artist and a professional social media rewrite. You can temove them at the booking stage should you not need them.

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Studio apartment or room share

60 min

Small studio apartment or room share with minimal exterior facilities


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