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Four Corners Christian Fellowship

Opening hours

  • Sunday

    3:00 PM - 10:00 PM

  • Monday

    Day off

  • Tuesday

    Day off

  • Wednesday

    Day off

  • Thursday

    Day off

  • Friday

    Day off

  • Saturday

    9:30 AM - 5:00 PM

About the company

Charismatic Church in Vienna, Austria.

Our team

Liberty Minstries

4Corners Equip

Top services

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Liberty Minstries 11:00

75 min

Gebetsdienst zur Befreiung durch Jesus Christus.

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Liberty Minstries 13:30

75 min

Gebetsdienst zur Befreiung durch Jesus Christus.

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Liberty Minstries 15:00

75 min

Gebetsdienst zur Befreiung durch Jesus Christus.

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Liberty Minstries 9:30

75 min

Gebetsdienst zur Befreiung durch Jesus Christus.

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Hearing God's voice/Gottes Stimme hören

90 min

In these sessions we will learn to discern how God speaks to his children .In diesen Sessions werden wir lernen zu unterscheiden, wie Gott zu seinen Kindern spricht.

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Healthy conflict and confrontation/Gesunde Konflikte und Konfrontation

90 min

In this course you will learn to define healthy relationships, both as friends or potential marriage partners. Learn how to communicate well, how to be a "powerful" person, how your "normal" affects your relationships and much more. In diesem Ku

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Sharing the Gospel/Die Gute Nachricht weitergeben

90 min

In these sessions we will learn how to communicate the Gospel in a simple and easy way. It will be both instructional and practical. The sessions will help you overcome the fear of sharing your testimony and the power of the Gospel with your friends,

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Discovering the prophetic/Das Prophetische entdecken

90 min

In these sessions we will discover the prophetic gifting and learn how to partner with the rhema word of God and share it with boldness and gentleness for the edification and exhortation of the church and as good news for the unbeliever.In diesen Ses

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Kingdom finances/Reich Gottes Finanzen

90 min

In these sessions we will learn how to steward what God has given us in the area of finances, how to reflect the generosity of God and how to manage our money accoring to the Bible.In diesen Sesssions lernen wir, wie wir mit dem umgehen, was Gott uns

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Prayer and prophetic intercession/Gebet und prophetische Fürbitte

90 min

In these sessions we will learn how to pray according to God's heart and make prophetic declarations as we intercede for our families, cities and nation.In diesen Sessions lernen wir, wie wir im Einklang mit Gottes Herzen beten und prophetische Dekla

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The power of forgiveness/Die Kraft der Vergebung

90 min

Forgiveness is not just a biblical command, it is alos the most liberating thing you can do. Learn how to forgive and be set free.Vergebung ist nicht nur eine bibliesches mandat, aber auch das Befreiendste was man tun kann. Lerne wie man vergibt und

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Overcoming adversity/Widrigkeiten überwinden

90 min

Learn how to persevere despite adverse situations and challenges and thrive despite your circumstances.Lerne Widrigkeiten trotz schwieriger Umstände zu überwinden, und ein überfließendes Leben trotz Herausforderung zu erleben.

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Structuring your life for fulness/Dein Leben für die Fülle strukturieren

90 min

Learn how to develop life giving structures in your daily living, to experience the fulness Jesus desires you to have.Lerne Strukturen in deinem Leben zu schaffen, die dich in der Fülle wandeln lassen, die Jesus erkauft hat.

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Setting women free for ministry/Frauen für den Dienst freisetzen

120 min

Do you feel stuck under a glass ceiling? Do you feel your giftings are not recognized, or the Bible prohibits you from doing what your are passionate for as a woman? Come and learn what the Bible really says about women in ministry.Fühlst du dich unt


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