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Kennon Rice

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    9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

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    9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

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    9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

  • Thursday

    9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

  • Friday

    9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

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About the company

PLEASE REGISTER FOR MORE THAN ONE TIME SLOT IF YOU BELIEVE THAT YOUR APPOINTMENT WILL TAKE MORE THAN 15 MINUTES.PLEASE BRING A DRAFT SCHEDULE WITH YOU!   I WILL NOT MEET WITH YOU IF YOU DO NOT BRING A FIRST DRAFT OF A SCHEDULE WITH YOU!!  To make a tentative fall schedule you first need to compare what you need to graduate to what is offered in the spring.  Graduation requirements (and all other academic policies) can be found in the catalog (   However, the department has also created some handy checklists that can be found on the department Webpage under the link “Advising Sheets.” I HIGHLY advise using the department web page link:  You can use Self-Service “unofficial transcript” to remind yourself which requirements you have already completed: Making sure you get everything accomplished in 4 years is ultimately your responsibility.  As your academic advisor I try to catch any mistakes you might be making, but I should be used as a “safety net” for this purpose.  I won’t make your schedule for you and I do not have time to sit and watch as you ponder these matters for the first time!WHICH COURSES SATISFY FOUNDATIONS, CONNECTIONS, AND SYNTHESIS REQUIREMENTS? 1)  Under Self Service, go to “Find Courses.”2) Click on the “Advanced Search” tab.3)  Go to the “General Education” pull down tab on the bottom right of the screen.4)  Select the kind of general education requirement you are interested in finding.5)  MAKE SURE YOU HAVE SELECTED THE CORRECT SEMESTER at the top of the screen and click the “Search” button.  It will now list all the courses offered in the semester you have chosen that fulfill the general education requirement you selected. I look forward to seeing all of you again soon!

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