Premium Valley Detailing
Book nowOpening hours
8:00 AM - 7:00 PM
8:30 AM - 7:30 PM
8:00 AM - 7:30 PM
8:00 AM - 7:30 PM
8:00 AM - 7:30 PM
8:00 AM - 7:00 PM
8:00 AM - 7:30 PM
About the company
Our team
Colton O'Toole
Top services
Valley Detail *Coupe/Sedan*
150 min
Full exterior hand washShampooed carpets and seatsDash and door panels cleanedUV protectionFaded trim restorationClean and Dress: Wheels / Tires / Wheel wellsBug and Tar RemovalClean Windows
Valley Detail *SUV*
180 min
Full exterior hand washShampooed carpets and seatsDash and door panels cleanedUV protectionFaded trim restorationClean and Dress: Wheels / Tires / Wheel wellsBug and Tar RemovalClean Windows
Valley Detail *Truck*
180 min
Full exterior hand washShampooed carpets and seatsDash and door panels cleanedUV protectionFaded trim restorationClean and Dress: Wheels / Tires / Wheel wellsBug and Tar RemovalClean Windows
Premium Detail *Coupe/Sedan*
180 min
Full exterior wash and 4-month paint protectantShampooed carpets and seatsFull steam cleaningDash and door panels cleanedUV and rain protectionFaded trim restorationClean and dress wheels, tires, and wheel wellsClay barBug and Tar Removal Clean Windo
Premium Detail *SUV*
180 min
Full exterior wash and 4-month paint protectantShampooed carpets and seatsFull steam cleaningDash and door panels cleanedUV and rain protectionFaded trim restorationClean and dress wheels, tires, and wheel wellsClay barBug and Tar RemovalClean Window
Premium Detail *Truck*
180 min
Full exterior wash and 4-month paint protectantShampooed carpets and seatsFull steam cleaningDash and door panels cleanedUV and rain protectionFaded trim restorationClean and dress wheels, tires, and wheel wellsClay barBug and Tar RemovalClean Window
Maintenance Wash
60 min
Complete vacuum and wipe down of the interiorFoam cannon and hand wash Wheel and tire cleaning & dressing