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铭媛汇 SC Club

Opening hours

  • Sunday

    8:30 AM - 10:00 PM

  • Monday

    8:30 AM - 10:00 PM

  • Tuesday

    8:30 AM - 10:00 PM

  • Wednesday

    8:30 AM - 10:00 PM

  • Thursday

    8:30 AM - 10:00 PM

  • Friday

    8:30 AM - 10:00 PM

  • Saturday

    8:30 AM - 10:00 PM

About the company

Located right at the heart of Botany Town Centre in East Auckland, and accommodating yoga, dance, beauty therapy, and Korean style Han Zheng (Han Jeung Mak) among other services, SC Club is multi-function recreational facility and leisure club for the whole family! SC Club is a platform where you can nurture both of your body and mind. That's why at SC Club, we believe:

Health and beauty starts here……


铭媛汇 SC Club 位于奥克兰东部的商业枢纽勃特尼购物中心,提供瑜伽,舞蹈,美容和韩式汗蒸(Han Jeung Mak)等服务,是适合全家人的多功能娱乐设施和休闲俱乐部!铭媛汇是一个让您可以同时培养自己的身体和心灵的平台。这就是为什么在铭媛汇,我们相信:




Full range of beauty therapy services, Han Jeung Mak (Korean style Heat Room), Yoga classes (group and private), Hot yoga classes, Dance (Adult and Children)

Come and Join the fun!


美容美体, 韩式汗蒸, 塑形瑜伽高温瑜伽, 舞蹈课 (成人和儿童)


Our team

Ella 张老师

高温瑜伽早课 (Hot Yoga Morning Class) by Ella: 11:30—13:00

瑜伽早课 (Yoga Morning Class) by Ella: 09:30—10:30

May 美容师

孕妇瑜伽教练 (Antenatal Yoga Instructor Course)

高温瑜伽教练 (Hot Yoga Instructor Course)

中级瑜伽教练 (Intermediate Yoga Instructor Course)

汗蒸房 (Han Jeung Mak / Dry Sauna)

少儿搏击 (>9岁): Junior Kickboxing (over 9 yo) by David

少儿搏击 (<9岁): Junior Kickboxing (under 9 yo) by David

高温瑜伽晚课 (Hot Yoga Evening Class): 18:30—20:00

瑜伽午课 (Yoga Afternoon Class) by Ella: 13:00 —14:00

Fang 按摩师

Top services

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开背拔罐 (Back Massage and Cupping) -- 40 min

40 min

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拔罐 (Cupping) -- 30 min

30 min

拔罐是中医传统技术,是以罐为工具,利用燃火、抽气等方法排除罐内空气,造成负压,使之吸附于腧穴或应拔部位的体表,使局部皮肤充血、瘀血,以达到防治疾病目的。Cupping is a traditional Chinese medicine technique. It uses the pot as a tool to remove the air in the pot by means of fire burning or air extraction, resulting in negative

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背部精油推拿刮痧 (Back Massage with Essential Oil and Scraping) -- 60 min

60 min

&nbsp;1)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 活血化瘀:对于颈肩疼痛,颈椎病,肩周炎,颈肩综合症,以及后背腰肌劳损,如斜方肌、下背部腰肌等的劳损,背肌筋膜炎等等,均有较好的祛除风、寒、湿的作用。2)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 调整脏腑:背部膀胱经存在较多五脏俞穴或六腑俞穴,如肝、心、脾、肺、肾等均有俞穴。经常于背部拔罐,刺激俞穴,对于调整脏腑存在一定的好处。如针对心悸、失眠等心火旺或

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纳米微针 (Nano-Needling) -- 90 min

90 min

微针完美抗衰老治疗,不破坏皮肤结构的完整性,清除皮肤深层毒素和废物,微细管道,营养成分直达,加强皮肤自愈力,促进新陈代谢,去皱、提升、美白、抗衰老。纳米复配生物因子,提高渗透率,诱导皮肤自身的营养和胶原再生,提亮皮肤,减少眼袋和黑眼圈,逆转晒伤和减少色素沉着,也有助于修复可见疤痕,萎缩毛孔,减缓肌肤衰老!可达到长期保持年轻状态的效果,且安全、快速、有效、无创伤。Removes toxins and discharge from deep under the skin, delivers nutr

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金箔24K黄金焕肤疗程 (Golden Rejuvenation with 24K Gold Foil) -- 90 min

90 min

利用黄金的抗氧化功效,彻底清洁毛孔深处,清除铅、汞等化妆品残留物,并让黄金的成分更深入地渗透入肌肤,有效延缓胶原蛋白的流失,抑制黑色素分泌,美白滋润,紧实肌肤,打造水嫩亮白肌肤的全新触感。Using the antioxidant effect of the gold, thoroughly cleans pores, removes cosmetic residue, and penetrates more deeply into the skin. It can effectively de

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基础护理标准装 (Facial Treatment Standard) -- 60 min

60 min

适合所有类型的皮肤,深度清洁,去死皮,去除黑头粉刺、眉毛修理、面部按摩,头部、脖子、肩膀、以及眼霜还有面膜。Suitable for all skin types. Deep cleansing, exfoliating, blackhead acne removal, eyebrow repair, massage on face, head, neck, and shoulders. Including eye creams and masks.

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脸部刮痧 (Facial Gua Sha / Scraping) -- 60 min

60 min

刮痧+拨筋能增强细胞免疫力,促进脸部血液循环,提高新陈代谢。面部刮痧可以治疗外感头痛、头晕,促进毛细血管扩张,祛除湿寒邪气,刺激和松懈表情肌的形成,达到瘦脸的效果。Enhance cellular immunity, stimulate blood circulation in the face, and improve metabolism. Scraping can treat migraine, promote telangiectasia, repel “internal dampnes

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光谱深层清痘美白 (Light Therapy for Acne removal and Whitening) -- 90 min

90 min

通过光动力的原理来激活皮肤深层的细胞,并使肌肤的新陈代谢增快,达到治疗痤疮、淡化斑点、以及美白肌肤等作用。Light Therapy is based on the principle of photodynamic therapy (PDT) to activate the cells in the deeper layers of the skin and accelerate the metabolism to treat acne, fade spots, and whiten the

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小气泡 (Aqua Peel) -- 90 min

90 min

深层清洁皮肤,有效清除皮肤中化妆品的残留物、皮肤过敏源以及螨虫等。提升毛孔吸收水分的能力,减缓干性细纹,使皮肤更加滋润通透。Deeply cleanses the skin, effectively removing allergens, mites, and residues from make-up on the skin. Improves the ability of pores to absorb moisture, reduce dry lines and leave skin cl

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纹绣:雾眉 (Microblading: Misty Brow, Microshading / Ombre Brow)

60 min

预留时间仅为估算。Time allowed for is estimate only.

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纹绣: 线条眉 (Microblading: Fluttering Brow)

60 min

预留时间仅为估算。Time allowed for is estimate only.

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纹绣:野生眉 (Microblading: Wild Brow)

60 min

预留时间仅为估算。Time allowed for is estimate only.

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纹绣:美瞳线 (Microblading: Eyeline)

60 min

预留时间仅为估算。Time allowed for is estimate only.

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纹绣:漂唇 (Microblading: Lips)

60 min

预留时间仅为估算。Time allowed for is estimate only.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;

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接睫毛:V毛 (Eyelash Extension: V Shape)

60 min

预留时间仅为估算。Time allowed for is estimate only.

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接睫毛:单毛 (Eyelash Extension: Classic Single)

60 min

预留时间仅为估算。Time allowed for is estimate only.

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电睫毛 (Eyelash Perm)

60 min

预留时间仅为估算。Time allowed for is estimate only.

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全身香薰按摩推油 (Full Body Aroma Massage with Essential Oil) -- 60 min

60 min

全身香薰按摩推油可以提神醒脑,镇静安神,缓解紧张的情绪,让人放松,可以调节交感神经,提高人体的排毒功能,预防感冒以及头痛等症状。香薰按摩能够改善肌体的张力,防止风湿病的发生,从而促进人体的新代谢。Full body aromatherapy massage with essential oil can refresh and calm the mind, relieve nervous emotions, relax the mood, regulate the nerv system, imp

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瑜伽早课 (Yoga Morning Class) by Ella: 09:30—10:30

60 min

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高温瑜伽早课 (Hot Yoga Morning Class) by Ella: 11:30—13:00

90 min

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少儿舞蹈 (爵士/街舞) Children's Dance (Jazz/Hip Hop)

60 min

只提供每学期10周的套餐,与新西兰学校学期同步,每周一节课,共计10周10节课。Only offered in a package of 10 lessons per per NZ school term. Each term is 10 weeks, in sync with the New Zealand school terms dates, with one lesson per week, for a total of 10 lessons over 10 weeks.

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少儿舞蹈(民族/古典/基训)Children's Dances (Chinese Folk/Classics/Basics)

60 min

只提供每学期10周的套餐,与新西兰学校学期同步,每周一节课,共计10周10节课。Only offered in a package of 10 lessons per per NZ school term. Each term is 10 weeks, in sync with the New Zealand school terms dates, with one lesson per week, for a total of 10 lessons over 10 weeks.

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基础护理豪华装 (Facial Treatment Deluxe) -- 60 min

60 min

适合所有类型的皮肤,深度清洁,去死皮,去除黑头粉刺。包括眉毛修理、面部,头部、脖子、肩膀按摩、以及眼霜和面膜。Suitable for all skin types. Deep cleansing, exfoliating, blackhead acne removal, eyebrow repair, massage on face, head, neck, and shoulders. Including eye creams and masks.

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光子嫩肤 (Photo-rejuvenation) -- 90 min

90 min

利用俗称为“光子”的强脉冲光来改善皮肤的色斑、潮红问题,并同时改善皮肤的光泽及质地。Use strong pulsed light known as "photons" to improve the skin's pigmentation and flushing problems, and at the same time improve the skin's radiance and texture.&nbsp;

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韩式汗蒸单次卡 (Han Jeung Mak Single Pass)

90 min

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美胸护理 + 淋巴排毒 (Chest Care + Lymphatic System Detox) -- 40 min

40 min

强化心肺功能,改善肩颈疼痛,增强免疫力,调节体内激素平衡,排出体内的毒素,疏通气血。定期护理可调节体内分泌的平衡,使乳房更加有形,有效地预防各种胸腺疾病。Strengthens the function of heart and lungs, relieves shoulder and neck pains, enhances immunity, and adjusts the hormone balance. Chest massage can discharge the accumulate

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卵巢保养 + 腹部护理 (Ovarian + Abdominal Care) -- 40 min

40 min

调节女性的生殖系统,增强卵巢的功能,使卵泡发育越发成熟,激素水平处于正常状态,减少卵巢妇科疾病,延缓更年期。It can adjust the function of the female reproductive system, enhance the function of the ovaries, help the development of the follicle, ensure the hormones maintain at a normal level, reduce the

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产后修复: 盆底肌单次 (Postpartum Recovery: Pelvic Floor Muscles Single Session)

60 min

修复盆底肌可调理身体和心肺功能,补气养血,保养卵巢的功效,改善盆底肌松弛的症状,让子宫恢复到孕前的状态,并且帮助妈妈们恢复体形,减缓衰老。Repairing pelvic floor muscles regulates body and cardiopulmonary function, replenishes qi and nourish blood, maintains the ovaries functions, improves pelvic floor muscle relaxatio

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足疗 + 肩颈按摩 (Foot Reflexology + Neck and Shoulder Reflexology) -- 60 min

60 min

时间包含10分钟泡脚 + 50分钟按摩。Time includes 10 minutes for foot-soaking, plus 50 minutes of massage.

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头部按摩 + 全身按摩推油 (Head Massage + Full Body Massage with Essential Oil) -- 90 min

90 min

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皮秒祛斑 (Picosecond Laser Freckle Removal) -- 90 min

90 min

雀斑色斑,祛黄,调整肤色,柔嫩光洁。也可洗纹身Removing freckles, yellow tone, adjust skin tone and colour, making it soft and smooth. Can also be used to remove tattoos.

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黑脸娃娃 (Carbon Spectra Peel) -- 90 min

90 min

美白亮肤,收缩毛孔,有效控油,座痘消炎。推荐每月一次,定期为毛孔做大扫除。Whitens and brightens the skin, shrinks pores, effectively controls oil, acne on the face. It's also&nbsp;anti-inflammatory. Recommended once a month&nbsp;to&nbsp;periodically clean the pores.

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水光针初始疗程 (Skin Booster Initial Course) -- 90 min x 3

90 min

结合菲洛嘉FILLMED 135HA 和 M-HA@ 10的精华, 补水保湿,可以帮助您的肌肤保证并保持光感亮白的最佳状态。水光针初始治疗适合每月一次,3次为一疗程。一个疗程结束后,效果才会更明显,也会维持得更好。后续建议每三个月打一次,因为坚持定期治疗,才能确保肌肤维持最好的状态,并且使皮肤状况改善更为稳定和维持更长时间。Combined with FILLMED 135HA and M-HA@ 10, this treatment hydrates and moisturizes your

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水光针后续疗程套餐 (Skin Booster Follow-up treaement bundle) -- 90 min

90 min

结合菲洛嘉FILLMED 135HA 和 M-HA@ 10的精华, 补水保湿,可以帮助您的肌肤保证并保持光感亮白的最佳状态。水光针初始治疗适合每月一次,3次为一疗程。一个疗程结束后,效果才会更明显,也会维持得更好。后续建议每三个月打一次,因为坚持定期治疗,才能确保肌肤维持最好的状态,并且使皮肤状况改善更为稳定和维持更长时间。Combined with FILLMED 135HA and M-HA@ 10, this treatment hydrates and moisturizes your

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水光针后续疗程单次 (Skin Booster Follow-up treaement) -- 90 min

90 min

结合菲洛嘉FILLMED 135HA 和 M-HA@ 10的精华, 补水保湿,可以帮助您的肌肤保证并保持光感亮白的最佳状态。水光针初始治疗适合每月一次,3次为一疗程。一个疗程结束后,效果才会更明显,也会维持得更好。后续建议每三个月打一次,因为坚持定期治疗,才能确保肌肤维持最好的状态,并且使皮肤状况改善更为稳定和维持更长时间。Combined with FILLMED 135HA and M-HA@ 10, this treatment hydrates and moisturizes your

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超声刀 (Ultherapy) -- 120 min

120 min

重塑年轻轮廓:提拉松弛部位,祛除面部多余脂肪,柔顺线条,重塑立体紧致V脸。瞬间抚平皱纹:消除额纹、眼纹、法令纹、嘴角纹,淡化颈纹,防止颈部老化。提拉下垂组织:收紧眼袋、双下巴、松弛脸颊、下垂眼角,提升眼眉线条。恢复肌肤弹性:刺激胶原蛋白重组和新生,令肌肤细致光泽、有弹性。Reshape the youthful contour: Lift loose areas, remove excess fat from the face, smooth out wrinkles, and reshape

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热玛吉 (Thermage) - 120 min

120 min

面部颈部效果:重塑脸部曲线,抚平嘴巴、眼睛、前额周围细纹,改善下颌线和颏下的清晰度, 有效提升颈部组织松弛 。眼部:有效提升眼周区下垂松弛 ,减少皱纹和松弛,使眼睛更醒目。Facial and neck effect: reshape the curve of the face, smooth the fine lines around the mouth, eyes, forehead, improve the clarity of the jawline and under the chin

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足疗 + 全身按摩推油 (Foot Reflexology + Full body massage with Essential Oil) -- 90 min

90 min

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瑜伽VIP私教课 (Yoga VIP Private Sessions) - 60 min

60 min

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中级瑜伽教练 (Intermediate Yoga Instructor Course)

60 min

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高温瑜伽教练 (Hot Yoga Instructor Course)

60 min

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孕妇瑜伽教练 (Antenatal Yoga Instructor Course)

60 min

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肩颈按摩 (Neck and Shoulder Reflexology) -- 30 min

30 min

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808 冰点脱毛 (808 Freezing Point Depilation)

15 min

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双人60分钟全身香薰按摩推油 (Two People 60-min Full Body Aroma Massage with Essential Oil)

60 min

专为夫妻和朋友之间的双人组合而设。两个人,让快乐和放松加倍!全身香薰按摩推油可以提神醒脑,镇静安神,缓解紧张的情绪,让人放松,可以调节交感神经,提高人体的排毒功能,预防感冒以及头痛等症状。香薰按摩能够改善肌体的张力,防止风湿病的发生,从而促进人体的新代谢。Designed exclusively for couples and friends. Two people, double the fun and relaxation!Full body aromatherapy massage wit

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双人90分钟全身香薰按摩推油 (Two People Full Body Aroma Massage with Essential Oil) -- 90 min

60 min

专为夫妻和朋友之间的双人组合而设。两个人,让快乐和放松加倍!全身香薰按摩推油可以提神醒脑,镇静安神,缓解紧张的情绪,让人放松,可以调节交感神经,提高人体的排毒功能,预防感冒以及头痛等症状。香薰按摩能够改善肌体的张力,防止风湿病的发生,从而促进人体的新代谢。Designed exclusively for couples and friends. Two people, double the fun and relaxation!Full body aromatherapy massage wit

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舞蹈VIP私教课 (Dance VIP Private Sessions) - 60 min

60 min

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少儿舞蹈 1.5小时/节 (Children's Dances 1.5 hr/session)

60 min

只提供每学期10周的套餐,与新西兰学校学期同步,每周一节课,共计10周10节课。Only offered in a package of 10 lessons per per NZ school term. Each term is 10 weeks, in sync with the New Zealand school terms dates, with one lesson per week, for a total of 10 lessons over 10 weeks.

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产后修复: 腹直肌单次 (Postpartum Recovery: Rectus Abdominis Muscle Single Session)

60 min

修复腹直肌能增加产后的身材恢复速度,让身体更加健康,避免各种肥胖带来的不良病症。Repairing the rectus abdominis muscles can improve the speed of the body&nbsp;recovery&nbsp;after childbirth, make the body healthier, and avoid various adverse issues caused by obesity.

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产后修复: 骨盆矫正单次 (Postpartum Recovery: Pelvic Correction Single Session)

60 min

女性的骨盆在怀孕时会扩张,生产后会发生变形,如果不及时做骨盆修复会引起很多问题。骨盆变形除了会影响人的身材体型以外,还会导致便秘、痛经、腰酸背疼等症状。骨盆修复可以帮助骨盆恢复如初、防止妇科疾病的产生,有利于产后排出恶露,预防骨盆变形带来的各种症状。A woman's pelvis expands during pregnancy and deforms after giving birth, which can cause many problems if the pelvic repair

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高温瑜伽晚课 (Hot Yoga Evening Class): 18:30—20:00

90 min

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少儿搏击 (<9岁): Junior Kickboxing (under 9 yo) by David

60 min

满足少年儿童的运动需要,爱动是每个孩子的天性,孩子需要通过体育运动来表达内在本能的需求。培养少年儿童的竞争意识培养孩子的判断能力、思维能力、反应能力等,有效地促进孩子智力的发展。培养少年儿童的身心素质,诸如勇敢、顽强、机智、果断等意志品质。能更好地促进如柔韧、协调、平衡、灵敏、速度、力量、耐力等身体素质的更全面均衡地发展。提高少年儿童的自律能力。To meet the children’s need of being active. Being active is the nature of e

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少儿搏击 (>9岁): Junior Kickboxing (over 9 yo) by David

60 min

满足少年儿童的运动需要,爱动是每个孩子的天性,孩子需要通过体育运动来表达内在本能的需求。培养少年儿童的竞争意识培养孩子的判断能力、思维能力、反应能力等,有效地促进孩子智力的发展。培养少年儿童的身心素质,诸如勇敢、顽强、机智、果断等意志品质。能更好地促进如柔韧、协调、平衡、灵敏、速度、力量、耐力等身体素质的更全面均衡地发展。提高少年儿童的自律能力。To meet the children’s need of being active. Being active is the nature of e

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瘦身美体: 强声波爆脂机 (Body Slimming: Strong Ultrasonic Liposuction Machine)

60 min

English version below.此疗法使用超声波头释放的40,000Hz强波以高频震动脂肪细胞,从而产生无数进出细胞的真空气穴。对脂肪细胞产生的巨大影响使细胞膜产生内部裂纹,将三酸甘油酯溶解成为甘油和游离脂肪酸,然后通过肝肠循环将其排出体外。最后,它再使用动态红色光子和定向电极进行皮肤紧致,从而达到瘦身和美容的效果。爆脂机瘦身减肥的好处如下:1. 减少脂肪和橘皮组织2.&nbsp;瘦身塑形3.&nbsp;收紧皮肤,增强皮肤弹性4.&nbsp;激活新陈代谢5.&nbsp;为皮肤提供氧气

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瑜伽午课 (Yoga Afternoon Class) by Ella: 13:00 —14:00

60 min


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