Delmotte Vibrating Energies Résonnantes - Book Lecher Antenna Practitioner and Coach Anne-Marie Delmotte Online
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- Delmotte Vibrating Energies Résonnantes ~ Book Lecher Antenna Practitioner and Coach Dame Anne-Marie Delmotte
Opening hours
8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
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8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
About the company
Delmotte Vibrating Energies Résonnantes ~ Book Lecher Antenna Practitioner and Coach Dame Anne-Marie Delmotte Book a Lecher Antenna Bioenergetics treatment session or a Lecher antenna training coaching session with Complementary Health Lecher Antenna Therapist, Instructor and Clinical Chemistry Scientist Dame Anne-Marie Delmotte. Anne-Marie is also the author of several books with her Lecher antenna findings and research and instructor of Lecher antenna online coaching and training at the Delmotvibres Training Center.LECHER ANTENNA BIOENERGETICS TREATMENT SESSIONS Please only book for yourself and NOT for another person - Currently available in English only due to lack of timeThese sessions are experienced as soft, enjoyable and efficient.Please make sure that you book a slot during which you are in a comfortable place where you can sit or lie down and you don't have to drive. All sessions and communications are in English.Duration session and post-discussion: between 1h15 minutes and 2 hours.Anne-Marie's workload for 1 session is about 5 hours.LIVE 1 ON 1 LECHER ANTENNA TRAINING COACHING SESSIONS (in English, en français, in Nederlands) Book a live 1 on 1 coaching session with Dame Anne-Marie Delmotte, owner of the Delmotvibres Training Center and developer of the Lecher Antenna Delmotvibres-methods.For students who have acquired Anne-Marie's Practical Guide and/or one of Anne-Marie's online Lecher Antenna e-learning courses and would like some additional live coaching about the content and how to apply. Questions/answers or discussion after assignment of own choice.Duration 40 minutes.TESTIMONIALS OF THE LECHER ANTENNA BIOENERGETICS DELMOTVIBRES-METHODTESTIMONIAL 1 Dear Anne-Marie I would like to let you know that for two nights after my treatment with you, I slept soundly the whole night through, which has been very rare for me. I also have been feeling more energized and really enjoying the feeling of well-being. Andy Nolan Ireland TESTIMONIAL 2 A gentle yet in depth session carried out with great skill, accuracy and compassion. Thank you Anne-Marie ! Scottie Babs United Kingdom TESTIMONIAL 3 Dear Anne-Marie, I just wanted to say thank you so much. I love what you are doing. I'm not sure what changed on an energetic level but I believe you helped balance something. The pain I had in my back that I felt ease during your session was completely gone the next day and has stayed away since. I would highly recommend Anne-Marie and the technologies she offers. Thanks again Tasha McCullough IrelandTESTIMONIAL 4 Dear Anne-Marie, This is my feedback of your two remote Lecher antenna treatment sessions. I no longer have polarity reversals, nor do I have anymore drops of my energy. I get considerable comfort and well-being from it. Thank you Anne-Marie Denis Meneguzzi FranceHOW TO BOOKClick on the "Book Now" button at the beginning of this page, then choose the type of session you would like to book, then set your timezone and select a time that suits you. DISCLAIMERS The person performing a reading and/or balancing of your bio-energies with the Lecher antenna and by means of color therapy does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the person performing a reading and/or balancing of your bio-energies is only to help you in your quest for well-being. In the event you use any of the information offered by the person performing a reading and/or balancing of your bio-energies for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the person performing a reading and/or balancing of your bio-energies assumes no responsibility for your actions.Delmotte Vibrating Energies Résonnantes and any person working for Delmotte Vibrating Energies Résonnantes can not be held responsible for any wording as a result of automatic translation. CONTACT US E-mail: annemarielecherenergy@gmail.com delmotvibres.simplybook.itOur team

Delmotte Vibrating Energies Résonnantes
Top services

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ENG Live 1 on 1 Lecher antenna online coaching session in English
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The VIP Experience.Book a live 1 on 1 coaching video session with Dame Anne-Marie Delmotte, owner of the Delmotvibres Training Center and developer of the Lecher Antenna Delmotvibres-methods.For students who have acquired Anne-Marie's book "Practical

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FR Session antenne de Lecher coaching individuel en ligne en français
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1 reviews