Sound Wellness Denver
Coaching Gyms Meditation Alternative medicine Spiritual services
Sound Wellness provides sound therapy sessions for clients interested in relaxation, stress reduction, meditation, and personal growth. Our primary tool is The BodySound Chair which was designed by 40 doctors over 20 years of research and developmen
The tree of life 4 you
After teaching Yoga and mindfulness over a decade now has become my life in many ways. Even with many years of professional experience, I continue seeking ways to expand my knowledge so I can provide the best support to my clients. My personalized ap
Reiki With Medical Intuitive
Quantum Healing Therapy
Meditation Class
Gymnastics Meditation Fitness Water Sports Personal trainers
OMotion betrachtet die Grundlagen für Gesundheit, sportliche Leistung und Fitness auf eine völlig neue Weise. Während im Sport, im Ausdauer Training und auch in der Rehabilitation in der Regel fast ausschließlich physiologische und biomechanische Asp
Ruppertshain, 116d Robert-Koch-Straße
Ruppertshain, 116d Robert-Koch-StraßeRuppertshain, 116d Robert-Koch-Straße
Show on mapRobert-Koch-Str. 116d, Zauberberg, 65779, Kelkheim
Show on mapOxykinetisches Entspannungstraining
Klangwoge - Entspannen und Regenerieren
Float & Relax - Tiefenentspannung neu erleben
Move With Mila
MwM Celebrates you, your heartbeat, your flow, and your natural mover within Mila brings you mindful fitness, working with your physical + emotional wellbeing. She is purely focused on bringing a positive approach to fitness & body health A ful
Concepto Yoga
Nos dedicamos a sembrar conceptos y hábitos de vida saludable y sostenible en la sociedad. Ofrecemos soluciones de bienestar y salud tanto a particulares como a empresas: desde clases de yoga, meditación, talleres de desarrollo personal, Mindfulnes
Namaste Natara
Namaste Natara started as just a yoga studio in Charlotte, NC that later wanted to dedicate the space to other wellness professionals and wellness entrepreneurs committed to changing how we spread wellness in our communities. This space has come to b
KarMik Sport & Personal Development
Personal trainers Educational events Meditation Coaching Financial services Fitness Yoga Golf
We are a Health, Wellness, and Lifestyle organization who focus on the "whole" human being. We help you recognize and improve your mental, emotional, spiritual, relational, physical, recreational,educational, and financial well being. 
Leudelange, 29 rue du cimetière
Leudelange, 29 rue du cimetièreLeudelange, 29 rue du cimetière
Show on map22 rue Hollerich , (1er étage), 1720, Luxembourg
Show on mapJKambition
Personal trainers Gyms Meditation
Vous y voila ! Les percées viennent de l'imagination et de l'innovation, vous devez rêver, rassembler vos forces et agir. Chaque rendez-vous sera confirmé par une notification.
Notre collectif d'amis, professionnels du bien-être, vous propose une accalmie dans ces temps de confinement : aérez votre corps et votre esprit en participant à des séances de sophrologie, des ateliers créatifs, des temps de méditations...&nbs