Opening hours

  • الأحد

    09:00 - 22:00

  • الإثنين

    06:00 - 22:00

  • الثلاثاء

    06:00 - 22:00

  • الأربعاء

    06:00 - 22:00

  • الخميس

    06:00 - 22:00

  • الجمعة

    06:00 - 22:00

  • السبت

    يوم عطلة

About the company

Fuel50 Career Experience Services

Our team

Peter Collinson

Maria Mann

Josephine Green

Gill Amos

Hannah Nash

Nolly Cole

Teresa Escorial

Clare Endicott

Marileen Koppenberg

Alyson Ainsworth

Doug Farrow

Russ Hartland-Shaw

Nuala O'Sulivan

Steve Windsor

Top services

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Individual Career Coaching for Colleagues (English | 60 Minutes) | Nolly Cole

45 دقيقة

The focus of this 60-minute career coaching session is to support colleagues through career transitions and in readying them for their next opportunity. Please note that a 24-hour notice of cancellation is required once a session is booked. Ensu

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Individual Career Coaching for Colleagues ( Español| 60 Minutes) | Nolly Cole

45 دقيقة

Tienes acceso a 2 horas de coaching con un coach profesional externo al PNUD. El propósito del coaching es apoyarlo sobre cómo abordar la gestión y la estrategia de carrera. Después de la sesión, un coach le enviará un correo electrónico de seguimien

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Individual Career Counseling for Colleagues (English | 60 Minutes) | Julia

45 دقيقة

The focus of this 60-minute career counselig session is to support colleagues through career transitions and in readying them for their next opportunity. Please note that a 24-hour notice of cancellation is required once a session is booked. Ens

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Individual Career Counseling for Colleagues (English | 60 Minutes) | Gill

45 دقيقة

The focus of this 60-minute career counselig session is to support colleagues through career transitions and in readying them for their next opportunity. Please note that a 24-hour notice of cancellation is required once a session is booked. Ens

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Individual Career Counseling for Colleagues (English | 60 Minutes) | Peter

45 دقيقة

The focus of this 60-minute career counselig session is to support colleagues through career transitions and in readying them for their next opportunity. Please note that a 24-hour notice of cancellation is required once a session is booked. Ens

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Individual Career Counseling for Colleagues (English | 60 Minutes) | Chris

45 دقيقة

The focus of this 60-minute career counselig session is to support colleagues through career transitions and in readying them for their next opportunity. Please note that a 24-hour notice of cancellation is required once a session is booked. Ens

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Individual Career Counseling for Colleagues (English | 60 Minutes) | Josephine

45 دقيقة

The focus of this 60-minute career counselig session is to support colleagues through career transitions and in readying them for their next opportunity. Please note that a 24-hour notice of cancellation is required once a session is booked. Ens

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Individual Career Counseling for Colleagues (English | 60 Minutes) | Maria

45 دقيقة

The focus of this 60-minute career counselig session is to support colleagues through career transitions and in readying them for their next opportunity. Please note that a 24-hour notice of cancellation is required once a session is booked. Ens

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P11, CV, Cover Letter Review (Français| 60 Minutes)

45 دقيقة

Lors de la réservation de cette session, vous soumettrez un formulaire P11 ou un CV complet et presque prêt pour une candidature. Vous examinerez le document en session avec un/e consultant/e qui vous guidera dans la révision de votre P11 / CV.Si le

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P11, CV, Cover Letter Review (Español| 60 Minutes)

45 دقيقة

Al reservar esta sesión, enviará un borrador P11 o CV casi completo y listo para su revisión. Revisará el documento en la sesión con un consultor de revisión de P11 / CV que lo guiará en el pulido de su P11 / CV.Si el tiempo lo permite, los

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P11, CV, Cover Letter Review (English | 60 Minutes)

45 دقيقة

When booking this session, you will submit a completed, near-ready P11 form or CV for review. You will review the document in-session with a P11/CV review consultant who will guide you in polishing your P11/CV. Time permitting, consultants will also

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Individual Mock Interview Session ( Français| 90 Minutes)

75 دقيقة

Cette session consistera en un entretien basé sur les compétences, similaire à celui que vous pourriez vivre au PNUD. Une séance de débrief suivra la simulation d’entretien.Veuillez noter qu’un préavis d’annulation de 24 heures est requis une fois la

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Individual Mock Interview Session (Español | 90 Minutes)

75 دقيقة

Esta sesión consistirá en una entrevista basada en competencias, similar a la que puede experimentar en el PNUD. Una sesión informativa seguirá a la entrevista simulada. Tenga en cuenta que se requiere un aviso de cancelación de 24 horas una vez

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Individual Mock Interview Session (English | 90 Minutes)

75 دقيقة

This session will consist of a competency-based interview, similar to one you may experience at UNDP. A debrief session will follow the mock interview. Please note that a 24-hour notice of cancellation is required once a session is booked.Ensure

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Individual Career Coaching Session (Français | 60 Minutes)

60 دقيقة

Vous avez accès à 2 heures de coaching avec un coach professionnel externe au PNUD. Le but du coaching est de vous accompagner sur la façon d’aborder la gestion de carrière et la stratégie. Après la séance, un/e consultant/e vous enverra un courriel

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Individual Career Coaching Session ( Español | 60 Minutes)

60 دقيقة

Tienes acceso a 2 horas de coaching con un coach profesional externo al PNUD. El propósito del coaching es apoyarlo sobre cómo abordar la gestión y la estrategia de carrera. Después de la sesión, un coach le enviará un correo electrónico de seguimien

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Individual Career Coaching Session (English | 60 Minutes)

60 دقيقة

You have access to 2 hours of coaching with a professional coach external to UNDP. The purpose of the coaching is to support you on how to approach career management and strategy. Following the session, a coach


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