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Healing Journey & Kids Energy Masters

About the company

Release blocked emotions and old stories to reconnect to your inner compass and shine your light from within!  

Our team

Dany FR

Top services

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Complimentary Discovery Call - 20min.

20 دقيقة

A complimentary call to help you decide if working with me is your next step in owning and enjoying your Healing Journey. This is about you getting to know me a bit and expressing your needs and doubts, so you can then decide for yourself if you want

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Healing Clarity + Healing Session (New Clients only)

90 دقيقة

In this 90minute session, we get crystal clear on where you are standing (the struggle/challenge/pain) and what you want instead. "Most people think they lack motivation when they really lack clarity."-James Clear. With this clarity in place, you wil

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Healing Session

60 دقيقة

Perfect for regular, ongoing sessions. 

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Healing Session - Recalibrate 30min.

30 دقيقة

Are you stuck and in need of a focused recalibration? Release the blocks and receive a tailored healing modality to get you going and connected from within! *Available for existing clients only.

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4-legged Clients - Healing Session - 30min.

30 دقيقة

Many times the "behavioral issues" from dogs, cats, and horses are a manifestation of the blocked emotions and pains they have in their body. Luckily, there are systems to support them and they are much quicker to heal and integrate than us, humans.


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