Horário de abertura

  • Domingo

    09:00 - 18:00

  • Segunda-feira

    09:00 - 18:00

  • Terça-feira

    09:00 - 18:00

  • Quarta-feira

    09:00 - 18:00

  • Quinta-feira

    09:00 - 18:00

  • Sexta-feira

    09:00 - 18:00

  • Sábado

    09:00 - 18:00

Sobre a empresa

「夏娃之愛」希望藉以不同活動,在香港分享關懷與愛心。我們會定期舉辦活動,把我們創意的包餅,送贈予社會上不同種類的人士,令他們在節日都感受到溫暖。 Eva's Shop is established with a mission of delivering caring to the Hong Kong community. We will hold events during special occasions (Christmas, Mother's Day, Mid Autumn Festival etc). Supporting people in need is the way to happiness

Nossa equipe

科學園17W Science Park

平郵郵寄 Mail Delivery

Top services

Imagem do serviço

恬靜小松鼠衛生巾 (20cm) 一包5張

60 min

免尷尬包裝,攞一包便可以出門!同時抗菌設計,有助減少感染的風險This sanitary pad comes with anti-bacterial function. There is a less chance of infection.

Imagem do serviço

好動小兔子衛生巾 (24cm) 一包5張

60 min

免尷尬包裝,攞一包便可以出門!同時抗菌設計,有助減少感染的風險This sanitary pad comes with anti-bacterial function. There is a less chance of infection.

Imagem do serviço

月經的寶盒 Eva's Box

60 min

飾物盒 + 月曆 + 存放衛生巾 = 我們三合一的 Eva's Box ! With storage spaces for sanitary pad and accessories, and a calendar, it's an all-in-one Eva's Box!

Imagem do serviço

安睡貓衛生巾 (30cm) 一包5張

60 min

免尷尬包裝,拿一包KO 一天流量!特別抗菌設計,有助減少感染的風險!The antimicrobial sanitary pad reduces the chances of getting vaginal infection!

Imagem do serviço

衛生巾驗菌 Sanitary Pad Bacterial Testing Service

60 min

如想得知自己的敏感部位有甚麼類型的細菌,可以將衛生巾剪出一小塊,放入試管中,我們會在兩星期內寄出報告。If you are curious to know what bacteria you may contain, simply cut a small piece of used pad cotton into the tube that we provide. Hand it to us and we will send you the laboratory result report wi


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