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McMullen Museum of Art, Boston Collge

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McMullen Museum

Top services

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Thu., Mar. 23, Noon–1 pm: Conversation: Post-Apartheid

60 min

Engage in conversation on Post-Apartheid, Johannesburg. Compare the meanings, histories, and experiences of 'race' between Johannesburg and the United States.

Imagem do serviço

Mon., Mar. 27: Conversation: Gender Equity and Empowerment

60 min

Meet with a group of women in Kigali to discuss gender equity and empowerment in Kigali, Rwanda.

Imagem do serviço

Tue., Mar. 28, 9:00–10:00 am: Conversation: Intersections between Science, Art, an Culture

60 min

Chat with members of the Bengaluru Science Gallery about the intersections of science, art, and culture.

Imagem do serviço

Tue., Mar. 21, 10:30–11:30 am: Conversation: Human Rights + Social Justice

60 min

Discuss human rights and social justice with refugees in Nakivale, Uganda.

Imagem do serviço

Thu., Mar. 30, 8:00–9:00 am: Conversation: Human Rights + Social Justice

60 min

Speak with members working at Gaza Sky Geeks about human rights and social justice in Palestine and how it affects daily life in Gaza City.


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