Ícone da empresa

PeoplePower / KnowHouse

Horário de abertura

  • Domingo

    Dia de folga

  • Segunda-feira

    08:00 - 18:00

  • Terça-feira

    08:00 - 18:00

  • Quarta-feira

    08:00 - 18:00

  • Quinta-feira

    08:00 - 18:00

  • Sexta-feira

    08:00 - 18:00

  • Sábado

    Dia de folga

Sobre a empresa

At People Power we design, facilitate, host and deliver great experiences that allow people and companies to innovate and grow. If you are not actively engaged, participating, figuring things out for yourself and having fun you are wasting the most precious resource you have, time. We specialise in great strategy, learning, change and innovation experiences using the best virtual and face to face platforms, business simulations and tools together with over 20 years of facilitation experience.

Nossa equipe

James van der Westhuizen (Online - Microsoft Teams Meeting)

James van der Westhuizen (Mauritius)

James van der Westhuizen (South Africa)

Top services

Imagem do serviço

Quick Virtual Business Meeting

30 min

A quick 30 virtual  minute session to align engage - see you online! 

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Virtual Business Meeting

60 min

An hour discussion on-line to really understand your needs and align on the next steps! 

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Quick Business meeting

30 min

Face to Face Meeting at your offices (please let me know the address and access details) or over a cup of coffee at your favourite coffee shop! 

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Business meeting

60 min

Longer face to face discussion to really understand your needs. Your office or your favorite coffee shop or spot for lunch! (Just let me know where!)

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Standard Coaching session

60 min

A one-hour coaching session to focus on your strengths and ambitions. Let me know where works best for you! 

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In-Depth Coaching session

120 min

An in-depth two hour  face-to-face session to really discuss your goals and how to achieve them. Let me know where works best for you. 

Imagem do serviço

2 and a half Hour Online training session

150 min

2 and a half hours of interactive online interaction and learning in our Remo virtual conference centre or a video conferencing platform of your choice. Book multiple sessions if you would prefer 2-3 sessions in one day or over several days. 

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Full day Online training session

360 min

A full day of on-line learning in our interactive virtual training centre or a video conferencing platform of your choice - don't worry - we keep it engaging and interactive! 

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Virtual coaching session

60 min

A one hour virtual coaching session to focus on your strengths and ambitions

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Virtual coaching session

120 min

An in depth virtual coaching session to really set you up for exponential growth! 

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Contact MBA Classroom session

180 min

In-Classroom Contact MBA Lecture 

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Contact MBA Virtual Session

150 min

Online classroom session 

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Full day face-to-face training session

480 min

A full-day interactive training session or business simulation - book one or two days depending on the experience & at a venue that works for the process. 

Ícone de serviço

Half Day Face to Face Training session

240 min

4 Hours of quality in-room conversation and engagement

Ícone de serviço

2 Hour Face to Face Training session

120 min

Two action packed and interactive hours of engagement and learning 

Ícone de serviço

Full Day Face to Face Strategy Session

480 min

A full day of strategy facilitation in room using the best strategy tools & techniques. Book 1 or more days as per your needs. 


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