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Are you ready to perform?  

Whether it’s sport, school, work or just life in general – optimal performance depends on a fine balance throughout the body.

Achieving that balance means knowing what’s working and what isn’t. 

A health assessment which typically includes basic blood tests, BMI and other traditional screens are outdated, unreliable and inaccurate. To really understand your body and discover how you can perform at your best, you need a more modern approach that provides reliable information and goes beyond guesswork.

Get ready to perform… 

Providing a suite of modern, highly accurate health assessment technologies, ReadyRoom gives you a complete view of your entire body, including your brain. These health assessments provide detailed information that tell us how you can perform even better, in every area of your life. 

Nossa equipe

ReadyRoom Johannesburg

ReadyRoom Cape Town

Dr Costa Kapnias

Top services

Imagem do serviço

AB InBev Executive Medical

75 min

Executive includes: Pathology Lipid Profile Blood Glucose Hb1Ac Ultra Sensitive CRP PSA CEA Uric Acid TSH Urine Dipstix Medical Examination Vitals Analysis risk General Med

Ícone de serviço

Virtual Consultation with Dr Kapnias

30 min

Executives may only book a timeslot with the doctor if they have received their final Executive Medical report from ReadyRoom.

Ícone de serviço

ReadyRoom HelloCoach Session

30 min


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